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무지개 색의 특성과 복식으로 전달되는 이미지
A Study on the Characteristics of Rainbow Colors and Rainbow Fashion Images 원문보기

服飾 = Journal of the Korean Society of Costume, v.54 no.6, 2004년, pp.25 - 40  

김지언 (경민대학 멀티미디어과) ,  김영인 (연세대학교 생활디자인전공)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The rainbow has been considered as a perfect representative of color harmony in nature. In this study rainbow's colors include seven spectral colors and changeable colors according to observational angle. This study performed a bibliographical inquiry into rainbow colors and the survey research for ...


참고문헌 (19)

  1. 한국문화 상징사전 편찬위원회 (1992). 한국 문화 상징사전 동아출판사, p. 277 

  2. Marshall Editions Limited (1991). Color-nature. history and decoration. London, pp. 16-17 

  3. John Gage (1999). Colour and meaning: Art. science and symbolism. University of California Press: Berkeley and Los Angeles, p. 127 

  4. John Gage (1993). Color and culture: Practice and meaning from antiquity to abstraction. Thames and Hudson. pp. 93-94 

  5. John Gage (1993). Color and culture: Practice and meaning from antiquity to abstraction. Thames and Hudson. p. 34 

  6. 만프레드 루키 저 (1991). 성서속의 상징. 은성. p. 143 

  7. Marshall Editions Limited (1991). Color-nature. history and decoration. London, p. 18 

  8. Hope and Walch (1989). The colour compendium. New york : Van Nostrand Reinhold. p. 260 

  9. Kenneth Heuer (1978). Rainbow, halos, and other wonders. New york Dodd, Mead & Company 

  10. Hope and Walch (1989). The colour compendium. New york : Van Nostrand Reinhold. p. 259 

  11. 한국문화 상징사전 편찬위원회 (1992). 한국 문화 상징사전 동아출판사, p. 279 

  12. 한국문화 상징사전 편찬위원회 (1992). 한국 문화 상징사전 동아출판사, pp. 277-278 

  13. 권영걸 외 (2002). 이제는 색이다. 도서출판: 국제 

  14. John Gage (1999), Color and culture: Practice and meaning from antiquity to abstraction. Thames and Hudson. pp. 122-123 

  15. M.G.J. Minnaert (1993). Light and color in the outdoors. Springer-Verlag: New York. p. 197 

  16. Overheim. R. Daniel & Wagner, David L. (1982). Light and color. John Wiley and Sons. Inc 

  17. 장경애 (1998). 빛의 과학. 도서출판: 상학당 

  18. 박상현 (1994). 영국의 근대 풍경화에 관한 연구-죠셉말러드, 윌리암 터너, 존 콘스터블을 중심으로. 계명대학교 석사학위논문 

  19. John Gage (1993). Color and culture: Practice and meaning from antiquity to abstraction. Thames and Hudson. p. 115 

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