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영광 3&4와 5&6호기에서 액체 방사성폐기물 처리방법의 비교
The Comparison on Treatment Method of Liquid Radioactive Waste in Yonggwang #3&4 and #5&6 원문보기

방사성폐기물학회지 = Journal of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society, v.2 no.3, 2004년, pp.219 - 230  

Yeom, Yu-Seon (б) ,  Kim, Soong-Pyung (б) ,  Lee, Seung-Jin (())

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Most of the low-level liquid radioactive wastes generated from PWR plants are classified into high or low total suspended solid(HTDS or LTDS), and into radiochemical and radioactive laundry waste. Although the evaporation process has a high decontami- nation ability, it has several problems such as ...


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제안 방법

  • In this paper, the amount of radioactive liquid wastes released, dose of off-site residents, decontamination factor(DF) and the amount of solid radioactive wastes are respectively compared and reviewed to grasp the differences between the ion exchange demineralizer(IED) and the evaporator.
  • This study reviewed effect on the amount of radioactive materials discharged to off-site after treated by the evaporator and the IED, on dose to residents, on decontamination factors in each treatment method, and on the amount of radioactive wastes generated during the two processes.

대상 데이터

  • As shown on , through an analysis on samples gathered at 7 spots (the entrance and the exit of the ion exchange equipment, between each of the absorbers and the demineralizers), nuclides detected include no fissile nuclides but only radioactive corrosion products such as Cr51, Mn54, Co58, Fe59, Co60, Zn65, Co57, Zr95, existing in nuclear reactor coolant.


  • Based on data on the liquid wastes discharged into the environment through the evaporator and the IED, the dose to residents was estimated. The analysis code used to calculate the dose generated from liquid wastes was LIQDOS. Important exposure pathways considered here are internal exposures by the ingestion of aquatic products, external exposures by accumulated radioactive materials on the seashore, and external exposures by leisure activities at the nearby ocean.
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