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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

$SiO_2$ and CaO are added to decrease the smelting temperature in the reduction-smelting method for manganese nodule processing. These elements are components of the manganese nodules and might be very important controlling factors in the processing due to the locally variable content. Th...


참고문헌 (11)

  1. 연세대학교 철강연구소. 2000. 심해저 망간단괴의 융융환원 기술개발에 관한 연구. 

  2. 해양수산부. 1999. 1998 심해저 광물자원탐사 보고서. I. 자원탐사 및 환경연구. 

  3. 해양수산부. 2002. 2001 심해저 광물자원탐사 보고서. IV. 심해저 광물자원 개발기술 연구. 

  4. 해양수산부. 2003. 2002 심해저 광물자원탐사 보고서. IV. 심해저 광물자원 개발기술 연구. 

  5. 해양수산부. 2004. 2003 심해저 광물자원탐사 보고서. I. 자원탐사 및 환경탐구. 

  6. Grant, J.B. 1967. A comparison of the chemistry and mineralogy with the distribution and physical aspect of marine manganese concretions of the southern ocean. Contri. Sediment. Res. Lab. St. Uni., 19. 99 p. 

  7. Halbach, P. and M. Ozkara. 1979. Morphological and geochemical classification of deep-sea ferromanganese nodules and its genetic interpretation. p. 77-88. In: La Genese des Nodules de Manganese. ed. by C. Lalou. Proc. Colloq. Int. CNRS, No. 289. 

  8. Meyer, K. 1973. Surface sediments and manganese nodules, encountered on R/V Valdivia Cruise 1971/1973. p. 125-230. In: Origin and distribution of manganese nodule in the Pacific and prospects for exploration. Hawaii Institute of Geophysics. 

  9. Meylan, M.A. 1974. Field description and classification of manganese nodules in ferromanganese deposits of the Ocean Floor. p. 158-168. In: Hawaii Institute of Geophysis Technical Report. No.74-9. 

  10. Moritani, T., S. Maruyama, M. Nohara, K. Matsumoto, T. Ogitsu, and H. Moriwaki. 1977. Description, classification, and distribution of manganese nodules. p. 136-158. In: Geol. Surv. Japan, Cruise Rep., 8. 

  11. Usui, A. 1979. Minerals, metal contents and mechanism of formation of manganese nodule from the central Pacific Basin(GH76-1 and GH77-1 areas). p. 651-680. In: Marine geology and oceanography of the Pacific manganese 

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