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NTIS 바로가기大韓核醫學會誌 = The Korean journal of nuclear medicine, v.38 no.2, 2004년, pp.111 - 114
Molecular imaging provides a visualization of normal as well as abnormal cellular processes at a molecular or genetic level rather than at a anatomical level. Conventional medical imaging methods utilize the imaging signals produced by nonspecific physico-chemical interaction. However, molecular ima...
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Liang Q, Satyamurthy N, Barrio JR, Toyokuni T, Phelps MP, Gambhir SS, et al., Noninvasive, quantitative imaging in living animals of a mutant dopamine D2 receptor reporter gene in which ligand binding is uncoupled from signal ransduction. Gene Ther 2001;8:1490-8
Chung JK, Sodium iodide symporter: Its role in nuclear medicine. J Nucl Med 2002;43:1188-200
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