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[국내논문] 물수지 모형을 이용한 절수관개기법 개발
Development of Water Saving Irrigation Method Using Water Balance Model 원문보기

한국농공학회논문집 = Journal of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers, v.46 no.5, 2004년, pp.3 - 11  

손성호 (경북대학교 대학원) ,  정상옥 (경북대학교 농과대학 농업토목공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The objective of this study is to develop water saving irrigation method using water balance model in order to save rural water. Daily water balance components such as irrigation water, drainage water, effective rainfall, ET, and infiltration were measured in paddy fields. Model simulations were per...


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문제 정의

  • 농업용수 중에서 가장 많은 비중을 차지하고 있는 논에서의 물관리에 대하여 관개용수를 절약하기 위한 절수관개기법의 개발은 효율적으로 수자원을 이용하는데 그 목적이 있다. 본 연구에서는 물 수지모형을 이용하여 배수물꼬의 높이와 담수심을 조절하므로써 관개량을 모의하였다.
  • 그 목적이 있다. 본 연구에서는 물 수지모형을 이용하여 배수물꼬의 높이와 담수심을 조절하므로써 관개량을 모의하였다.
  • 본 연구는 논 담수심 관리를 통한 절수 관개 기법을 개발하기 위하여 대구시 북구 동호동 소재 경북농업기술원 답작포 실험포장에서 25 m X 80 m 크기의 포장을 3구역으로 나누어 극천수관개, 천수 관개, 심수관개의 3가지 담수심 처리를 하여 2001년, 2002년, 그리고 2003년 벼의 생육기간동안 논 담수심 관리 방법별 물수지 분석 결과를 이용하여 물 수지 모형을 이용하여 관개량을 모의하고 절수 관개 기법을 모색하였다.

가설 설정

  • D  : 최저 담수심 (mm).
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (12)

  1. Adams, F., 1920, Rice irrigation measurements and experiments in Sacramento Valley, California Agriculture Exp. Station., Bulletin, 325, pp.125-183 

  2. Biggs, 1917, Rice Field Station in California, The California Cooperative Rice Research Foundation, Inc., Bulletin, 279, pp.134-138 

  3. Bond, F. and Keeney, G. H., 1902, Irrigation of rice in United States, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Bulletin, 113, pp.91-97 

  4. Borell, A., Garside, A., and Fukai, S., 1997, Improving efficiency of water for irrigated rice in a semi-arid tropical environment, Field Crops Research., 52, Australia, pp.231-248 

  5. Chung, Sang Ok. 1998. A Study on the Return Flow of Irrigation Water in Paddy Fields. Journal of the KSAE 40:1-6 

  6. Chung, Sang Ok. 2000. Water Balance Analyses of an Irrigated Paddy Field. Asian Regional Workshop on sustainable Development of Irrigation and Drainage for Rice Paddy fields. 276-280. Japanese National Committee of ICID. Tokyo, Japan 

  7. Chung, Sang Ok, Kim, Ji Yong and Ahn, Tae Hong. 2000. Cropping techniques and cost reduction of direct seeded rice - A case study. Proceedings of the 2000 Annual Conference. 114-150. The Korean society of Agricultural Engineers. (in Korean) 

  8. Heenan, D. P. and Thompson, J. A., 1984, Growth, grain yield and water use of rice grown under restricted water supply in New South Wales. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Vol. 24. pp.104-109 

  9. Kang, Yang Soon. 2001. Water saving cultural technique in paddy rice. Rural and Environmental Engineering Journal. No. 70:70-76. Korea Agricultural and Rural Infrastructure Corporation. (in Korean) 

  10. Lee, Chang Koo. 1968. The study on the effects of the economical use of irrigation water by different irrigation periods and its methods on the growth, yield and the other factors of rice plants. Journal of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers. 10(1):32-37. (in Korean) 

  11. Lee, Chang Koo and Kim, Chul Hoe. 1966. The study on the irrigation water control in the cultivation of rice plants. Journal of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers. 8(2):11-16 (in Korean) 

  12. Rural Development Administration. 1993. A study on automation of irrigation management system for paddy fields. p.73 (in Korean) 

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