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[국내논문] 미끄럼 조건에 따른 로터리 압축기 베인/롤러 표면의 마찰 마멸 특성
Friction and Wear of the Vane/Roller Surfaces Depending on Several Sliding Condition for Rotary Compressor 원문보기

윤활학회지 = Journal of the Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, v.20 no.6, 2004년, pp.337 - 342  

오세두 (성균관대학교 대학원 기계공학부) ,  조성욱 (삼성전자 Digital Appliance 연구소 요소기술그룹) ,  이영제 (성균관대학교 기계공학부)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

One of the serious challenges in developing rotary compressor with HFC refrigerant is the prediction of scuffing times and wear amounts between vane and roller surfaces. In this study, the tribological characteristics of sliding surfaces using vane-roller geometry of rotary compressor were investiga...


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문제 정의

  • 따라서 본 연구에서는 로터리 압축기 구동부의 베인 -롤러에 대한 미끄럼 시험을 수행하였다. 재료의 작용 하중, 속도 등을 변화시켜 가며 TiN 코팅된 베인과 비코팅된 베인에 대한 마찰 및 마멸 특성을 평가하였다.

가설 설정

  • 2) 베인의 마멸량은 수직하중에 비례한다. 그리고 미끄럼 속도가 증가하면 마멸량은 증가한다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (9)

  1. Hasegawa, H. et al., 'The Friction and Wear Charac-teristics in Refrigerant Atmosphere,' Proceedings ofJAST Tribology Conference Tokyo, pp. 489, 1991 

  2. United Nations Environment Programme., 'Mont-real Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer,' Final Act., 1989 

  3. Mizuhara, K. et al., 'The Friction and Wear Behav-ior in Controlled Alternative Refrigerant Atmo-sphere,' STLE Paper, No. 92-TC-3B-3, pp. 120-126, 1992 

  4. Nishwaki, F. and Hasegawa, H., 'Mechanical LossReduction at Thrust Bearings of Scroll CompressorsUsing R407C,' Proceedings of 1995 InternationalCompressor Engineering Conference at Purdue, pp.263-268, 1995 

  5. Jonsson, U. J., 'Lubrication of Rolling ElementBearings with HFC-Polyolester Mixtures,' WEAR,Vol. 232, pp. 185-191, 1999 

  6. Yoon, H., Sheiretov, T. and Cusano, C., 'TribologicalEvaluation of Some Aluminum-based Materials inLubricant/Refrigerant Mixtures,' WEAR, Vol. 218,pp. 54-65, 1998 

  7. Sheiretor, T., Glabbeek, W. V. and Cusano, C., 'Tii-bological Evaluation of Various Surface Treatmentsfor M2 Tool Steel in a Refrigerant Environment,'Proceedings of 1994 International Compressor Con-ference at Purdue, pp. 103-108, 1994 

  8. Kawashima, T., Kawabata, H. and Watakabe, S.'Wear Characteristics of Each Composition of TheChromium Nitride Coated Vane in the Rotary Com-pressor for HFC-134a,' Proceedings of 1995 Interna-tionaI Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue,pp.257-262, 1995 

  9. Choa, S. H., 'Tribological Characteristics of VariousSurface Coatings for Rotary Compressor Vane,'WEAR, Vol. 221, pp. 77-85, 1998 

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