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한국 유령해면속 (보통해면강: 다골해면목: 유령해면과)의 2신종
Two New Marine Sponges of Genus Clathria (Clathria) (Poecilosclerida: Microcionidae) from Korea 원문보기

한국동물분류학회지 = The Korean journal of systematic zoology, v.21 no.1, 2005년, pp.111 - 122  

김형준 (한남대학교 이과대학 자연과학부 생명과학전공) ,  심정자 (한남대학교 이과대학 자연과학부 생명과학전공)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

울릉도와 가거도에서 2001년 10월과 2000년 7월에 SCVBA 다이빙으로 채집된 해면동물을 동정$\cdot$분류한 결과 유령해면속 (Clathria)의 곰바위유령해면[Clathria (Clathria) gombawuiensis n. sp.]과 가거유령해면 [ Clathria ( C.) gageoensis n. sp.]이 신종으로 밝혀졌다. 곰바위유령해면은 Clathria (C.) conica와 골편의 구성에 있어서는 유사하지만 골편의 크기와 성장형태에 있어서 많은 차이가 있었으며, Clathria (C.) conica는 작은 toxa를 가지지 않는다. 가거유령 해면은 Clathria (C.) hexagonopora와 유사하지만 골편의 크기와 성장형태가 다르고, Clathria (C.) hexagonopora는 작은 toxa를 가지지 않는다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A study on marine sponges was conducted by SCUBA diving at Ulleungdo Island and Gageodo Island, Korea during the period from July 2000 to October 2001. Two species, Clathria (Clathria) gombawuiensis n. sp. and Clathria (C) gageoensis n. sp., are new to the fauna of sponges. Clathria (C) gombawuiensi...


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제안 방법

  • Specimens were observed by light microscopy (Carl Zeiss Axioskop II) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM, HITACHI S-3000N). The identification was performed on the basis of external features, shape, structure of skeleton, and size and form of spicules. The thin free-hand section was made by specimen hardened in alcohol using a surgical blade in order to observe the structure of skeleton.

대상 데이터

  • Type specimen. Holotype (Por. 55), Binjibak (Gageodo Island), 24 Jul 2000 (K. J. Lee), by SCUBA diver from 20 m in depth, deposited in the HUNHM. One Paratype (Por 55-1), Binjibak (Gageodo Island), 24 Jul 2000 (K.
  • Spicules were prepared by dissolving a piece of sponge in sodium hypochlorite and examined with SEM (Hooper, 1996, Rutzler, 1978). The holotypes are deposited in the Natural History Museum, Hannam University (HUNHM) Daejeon, Korea.
  • The subgenus Clathria is only a single category of auxiliary style forming a sparse paratangential ectosomal skeleton; choanosome without marked difference between axial and extra-axial region (Hooper and Van Soest, 2002). The samples were collected from Gageodo Island and Ulleungdo Island, Korea during the period from July 2000 to October 2001 by SCUBA diving. They were fixed at once in 99.
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참고문헌 (16)

  1. Hooper, J. N. A., 1996. Revision of the Microcionidae (Porifera: Poecilosclerida: Demospongiae)with description of Australian species. Mem. Queens. Mus., 40: 1-626 

  2. Hooper, J. N. A and W. M. van Soest, 2002. Systema Porifera: A guide to the classification of sponges. Kluwer Academic/plenum Publishers Press, USA, pp. 681-682 

  3. Kim, J. Y. and C. J. Sim, 2000. New record of two marine sponges (Demospongiae: Poecilosclerida) in Korea. Korean J. Syst. Zool, 16(2): 141-146 

  4. Levi, C., 1963. Spongiaires d'Afrique du Sud. (1) Poecilosclerldes. Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Afr., 37(1): 1-72 

  5. Rho B. J. and C. I. Yang, 1983. A systematic study on the marine sponges in Korea. 2. Ceractinomorpha. J. Korean Res. Inst. Better Liv .. Ewha Womans Univ .. 32: 25-45 

  6. Rho B. J. and C. J. Sim, 1972. Marine sponges in South Korea (3). J. Korean Res. Inst. Better Liv., Ewha Womans Univ., 8: 181-192 

  7. Rho B. J. and C. J. Sim, 1976. On the classification and the distribution of the marine benthic animals in Korea 4. Sponges. J. Korean Res. Inst. Better Liv., Ewha Womans Univ., 16: 67-87 

  8. Rho B. J. and K. H. Lee, 1976. A survey of marine sponges of Haeundae and Its Adjacent Water. J. Korean Res. Inst. Better Liv., Ewha Womans Univ., 17: 93-111 

  9. Rutzler K, 1978. Sponges in coral reefs. In: Stoddart DR and Johannes RE(eds), Coral Reefs: Research Methods. Monogr. Oceanogr. Neth. UNESCO., 5: 299-313 

  10. Sim C. J., 1982. A systematic study on the marine sponges from the South Sea and the Yellow Sea of Korea. Soong Jun Univ. Essays Pap., 12: 187-210 

  11. Sim C. J. and H. J. Kim. 2002. Taxonomic study on marine sponges from Gageodo Island (Sohuksando), Korea. Korean J. Syst, Zool., 18(2): 219-231 

  12. Sim C. J. and H. S. Byeon, 1989. A systematic study on the marine sponges in Korea. 9. Ceractinomorpha. Korean J. Syst. Zool., 5(1): 33-58 

  13. Sim C. J. and K. J. Lee, 1998a. Three new species of poecilosclerid sponge from Korea. Korean J. Biol. Sci., 2 (1): 21-26 

  14. Sim C. J. and K. J. Lee, 1998b. A taxonomic study on the marine sponges from Geojedo. Korean J. Syst. Zool., 14(3): 219-228 

  15. Sim C. J. and M. H. Kim, 1988. A systematic study on the Marine sponges in Korea. 7. Demospongiae and Hexactinellida. Korean J. Syst. Zool., 4(1): 21-42 

  16. Sim C. J., Y. S. Kim and Y. H. Kim, 1992. A systematic study on the marine sponges in Korea. 10. Domosponges of Cheju Island. Korean J. Syst. Zool., 8(2): 301-324 

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