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[국내논문] 오대산 국립공원의 자연해설 활성화에 대한 연구
The Study of Activation on Nature Interpretation for Odae Mountain National Park 원문보기

한국환경과학회지 = Journal of the environmental sciences, v.14 no.5, 2005년, pp.451 - 455  

조태동 (Department of Environmental Landscape Architecture, Kangnung National University) ,  주수현 (Department of Environmental Landscape Architecture, Kangnung National University) ,  조현주 (Department of Environmental Landscape Architecture, Kangnung National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Surveys for visitor's awareness and on-the-spot investigations at Odae Mountain National Park were conducted for activation of nature interpretation. As a result, many problems on observation trails as the object of the nature interpretation were identified. The nature interpretation is not function...


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문제 정의

  • Therefore, the studies for nature interpretation and nature observation trails were required for characterizing natural condition and cultural resources in each of the national parks. The objective of this study is to reconsider the role of nature interpretation in order to develop the improvement method fbr running the program of nature interpretation trail in the future through analyzing present situation and problems of nature interpretation.

가설 설정

  • 1) Road resurfacing and space development were pointed out as the problems of existing nature observation trail.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (13)

  1. Jo, T. D., 2004, Study on comparison of Korean and Japanese National Park systems from the conservation perspective, Korean Environmental Sciences Society, 13(10), 872-888 

  2. National Parks Authority, 1999, N. P. nature, inquiry program and research about techniques of nature explanation, 7-9pp 

  3. Jung, H. S., 2004, Improvement direction of system about Korea nature par, Knowledge center of Korea polic, Environment Policy Forum Meeting, 8, 2 

  4. Homepage of The Korea National Park Authority, www.npa.or.kr 

  5. Judyk. B., 2004, Application of environment explanation and quotation process, Korean Institute of Forest Recreation, 2004, Autumn Studying Presentation Meeting, 2pp 

  6. Su, T. Y., 1999, Agument of culture & tourist, Dae Wang Sa, 14pp 

  7. Lee, J. H., 1993, Study about environment ex-Planation of efficient application in Korea N. P., publication of the agricultural department in Dae Gu University, 1-12pp 

  8. Jo, O., 1999, Program about Nature study trailing and Study about Development of Nature explanation technique, National Park Authority, 1-328pp 

  9. National Park Authority, 2002, 2002 activate workshop of nature explanation, National Park Authority, 1-186pp 

  10. Mt. ODae management office in National Park Authority, 2003, 2005 management plan of National Park Mt. ODae, Mt. ODae management office in National Park Authority, 183-192pp 

  11. Jo, T. D., S. J. Kwon and Y. J. Park, 2001, Understanding of environment landscape architecture, Moon Un Dan, 329pp 

  12. Jo, T. D., 2004, Functions of Nature Trails in Mt. Seorak National Park Focused on Environmental Educational Aspects, Korean Environmental Sciences Society, 13(7), 605-606 

  13. Homepage of The National Association for Interpretation, www.interpnet.com 

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