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나노바이오지능 분자컴퓨터: 컴퓨터공학과 바이오공학, 나노기술, 인지뇌과학의 만남
Molecular Nanobiointelligence Computers: Computer Science Meets Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, and Cognitive Brain Science 원문보기

정보과학회지 = Communications of the Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers, v.23 no.5 = no.192, 2005년, pp.41 - 56  

장병탁 (서울대학교)

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (39)

  1. Boole, G., An Investigation of the Laws of Thought. 1854 (reprint: Dover, 1958) 

  2. Davis, M., Engines of Logic: Mathea cians and the Origin of the Computer, Norton, 2000 

  3. Ifrah, G., The Universal History of Computing, Wiley, 2001 (English trans-lation) 

  4. Christensen, C.M., The Innovator's Dilemma, HarperCollins Publishers, 2003 

  5. Cummins, R. and Cummins, D.D., Minds, Brains. and Computers, Blackwell, 2000 

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  26. Zhang, B.-T. and Jang, H.-Y., Molecular learning of wDNA formulae, Proc. llth Int. Conf. on DNA Computing (DNAll), London, Ontario, June 3-7, 2005 (to ap-pear) 

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  35. Benenson, Y., Gil, B., Ben-Dor, U., Adar, R., and Shapiro, E., An autonomous molec-ular computer for logical control of gene ex-pression, Nature, 429: 423-429, 2004 

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  37. van Noort, D., A poor man's DNA com-puter, Proc. llth Int. Conf. on DNA Computing (DNAll), London, Ontario,June 3-7, 2005 (to appear) 

  38. Searle, J., The Mystery of Consciousness New York Review Press, 1997 

  39. Wiener, N., Invention: The Care and Feeding of Ideas. MIT Press, 1993 

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