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Fractional Diffusion Equation Approach to the Anomalous Diffusion on Fractal Lattices 원문보기

Bulletin of the Korean chemical society, v.26 no.11, 2005년, pp.1723 - 1727  

Huh, Dann (Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University) ,  Lee, Jin-Uk (Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University) ,  Lee, Sang-Youb (Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A generalized fractional diffusion equation (FDE) is presented, which describes the time-evolution of the spatial distribution of a particle performing continuous time random walk (CTRW) on a fractal lattice. For a case corresponding to the CTRW with waiting time distribution that behaves as $\...


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제안 방법

  • In this work we presented a generalized FDE for describing the particle transport in disordered media, which involve trapping sites with random energy barriers as well as spatial constraints. As a model we considered the CTRW on fractal lattices.
  • In this work we present a generalized fractional diffusion equation (FDE), which describes the time-evolution of the spatial distribution of a particle performing CTRW on a fractal lattice. The proposed FDE is solved to give analytic expressions for the Green’s function and the MSD. Although this approach provides expressions for the particle distribution and the MSD for all times, the range of applicability of these expressions needs to be examined.


  • Although this approach provides expressions for the particle distribution and the MSD for all times, the range of applicability of these expressions needs to be examined. We therefore carry out Monte-Carlo simulations of CTRW on the Sierpinski gasket and the percolation cluster. For both fractal lattices, the MSD expression obtained from the proposed FDE is in good agreement with the simulation result from intermediate to long times.
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참고문헌 (25)

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