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미세 초음파 타원궤적 진동절삭 (I) 미세 초음파 가공을 위한 타원 절삭경로 생성
Micro Ultrasonic Elliptical Vibration Cutting (I) The Generation of a Elliptical Vibration Cutting Motion for Micro Ultrasonic Machining 원문보기

한국정밀공학회지 = Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering, v.22 no.12 = no.177, 2005년, pp.190 - 197  

노병국 (한성대학교 기계시스템공학과) ,  김기대 (대구가톨릭대학교 기계자동차공학부)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

For precise micro-grooving and surface machining, a mechanism for creating elliptical vibration cutting (EVC) motion is proposed which uses two parallel piezoelectric actuators. And based on its kinematical analysis, variations of EVC path are investigated as a function of dimensional changes in the...


참고문헌 (8)

  1. Thoe, B., Aspinwall, K. and Wise, H., 'Review on Ultrasonic Machining,' International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, VoI.38, No.4, pp.239-255, 1998 

  2. Shamoto, E. and Moriwaki, T., 'Study on Elliptical Vibration Cutting,' Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 43, pp.35-38, 1994 

  3. Moriwaki, T., Shamoto, E., 'Ultrasonic Elliptical Vibration Cutting,' Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 44, pp.31-34, 1995 

  4. Ma, C., Shamoto, E., Moriwaki, T., Wang, L., 'Study of machining accuracy in ultrasonic elliptical vibration cutting,' International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol.44, pp.1305-1310, 2004 

  5. Moriwaki, T., Shamoto, E., 'Ultraprecision Ductile cutting of Glass by Applying Ultrasonic Vibration,' Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 41, pp.141-144, 1994 

  6. Shamoto, E., Suzuki, N., Moriwaki, T., Naoi, Y., 'Development of Ultrasonic Elliptical Vibration Controller for Elliptical Vibration Cutting,' Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 51, No.1, pp.327-330, 2002 

  7. Lee, J., Lee, D., Jung, Y. and Chung, W., 'A Study on micro-grooving characteristics of planar lightwave circuit and glass using ultrasonic vibration cutting,' Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.130-131, pp. 396-400, 2002 

  8. Cerniway, M.A., 'Elliptical Diamond Milling: Kinematics, Force, and Tool Wear,' M.S. thesis, North Carolina State University, 2001 

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