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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Process of screw-pumping system (SPS) was optimized for mass production of encapsulated bifidus. SPS entrapment device was composed of feeding component, with optimized nozzle size and length of 18G (0.91 cm) and 4 mm, respectively, screw pump, and 37-multi-nozzle. Screw component had five wing turn...


AI 본문요약
AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

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제안 방법

  • Accordingly, the aim of the current study was to develop predictive tools for the continuous production of entrapped bifidobacteria and scale of the bead formation process, optimize the conditions of this continuous SPS entrapment device, and determine the effects of SPS device on bead productivity and the survival stability of the entrapped bifidobacteria.
  • Needles used for general injections were utilized for the multi・nozule in the device. Various nozzle sizes and lengths were tested with fixed screw sizes, vessel sizes, motor speed, and motor power. To optimize the multinozzle, four different inside-diameters of the nozzles (18 G: 0.

대상 데이터

  • B. longum ATCC 15707 and B. bifidum ATCC 29521 were purchased in lyophilized form from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC; Rockville, MD, USA). The strains were routinely prepared as inocula by incubation in an anaerobic system (Forma Scientific Inc.
  • The SPS entrapment device was composed of a feeding component, a screw pump, and a multi-nozzle (1). The feeding component was a 1-L vessel with a connected tube (inner diameter, 25 mm; Length, 300 mm) for feeding the mixed sodium alginate into the screw (2).
  • Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of the proposed SPS designed fdr the mass production of encapsulated bifidus. The SPS entrapment device consisted of a feeding component, a screw pump, and a 37 -multi-nozzle. An air compressor was selected as an additional tool to increase the productivity of the encapsulated bifidus.
  • Finally, 18 G 4-mm nozzles were selected for the bead production, as determined by experimental results; a total of 37 nozzles were attached to the plate (thickness, 2 mm). The AE beads were then produced using the modified multi-nozzle (37 nozzles). The bead productivity values were 600 ±20 and 540 ±25 ea/min from 72.
  • Various nozzle sizes and lengths were tested with fixed screw sizes, vessel sizes, motor speed, and motor power. To optimize the multinozzle, four different inside-diameters of the nozzles (18 G: 0.91 mm, 20 G: 0.58 mm, 22 G: 0.41 mm, and 24 G: 030 mm) were compared, and the device was tested with various nozzle lengths from 10 to 4 mm. A 37-multi- nozzle and an air compressor were also attached to the SPS to increase the productivity of the encapsulated bifidus.
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