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[국내논문] 대형 Digital TV용 Display Unit의 강성 측정
Elastic Modulus Measurement of a Large Size Digital TV Display Unit 원문보기

한국정밀공학회지 = Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering, v.22 no.3 = no.168, 2005년, pp.115 - 122  

김창희 (성균관대학교 기계공학과) ,  문성인 (성균관대학교 기계공학과) ,  최재붕 (성균관대학교 기계공학과) ,  김영진 (성균관대학교 기계공학과) ,  이정권 (삼성전자(주) AMLCD 총괄 광기구개발팀) ,  구자춘 (성균관대학교 기계공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

As the digital TV markets rapidly growing, many manufacturers introduce large size flat screen TV units. There are two different display types available to large size models which are plasma and TFT-LCD. Since both are constructed with thin large panels that are mostly fragile to even moderate mecha...


참고문헌 (7)

  1. Rouzaud, Andre., 'A Method for Elastic Modulus Measurements of Magnetron Sputtered Thin Films Dedicated to Mechanical Applications,' Thin Solid films, Vol. 270, pp. 270-274 

  2. Aksel, C. and Riley, F. L., 'Young's Modulus Measurements of Magnesia-Spinel Composites Using Load-Deflection Curves, Sonic Modulus, Strain Gauges and Rayleigh Waves,' J. of the European Ceramic Society, in press 

  3. Luccioni, B. and Oller, S., 'A Directional Damage Model,' Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., Vol. 192,pp.1119-1145,2003 

  4. Suhir, E. and Burke, R., 'Dynamic Response of a Rectangular Plate to a Shock Load, With Application to portable Electronic Products,' IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology-Part B, Vol. 17, No.3, 1994 

  5. Xue, R., 'A Combined Finite Element-Riccati Transfer Matrix Method in Frequency Domain for Transient Structural Response,' Computers and Structures, Vol. 62, No.2, pp. 215-220,1997 

  6. Timoshenko, S.P. and Gere, J.M., Mechanics of Materials, Brooks/Cole Engineering, 1983 

  7. Samsung electronics, A Study on Shock Proof Design of Large TFT-LCD TVs, pp. 53-64, 2003 

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