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[국내논문] 적외선 투과 광섬유를 이용한 비접촉식 온도 센서 개발을 위한 기초 연구
Feasibility study on the development of noncontact temperature sensor using infrared optical fiber 원문보기

센서학회지 = Journal of the Korean Sensors Society, v.15 no.3, 2006년, pp.179 - 185  

유욱재 (건국대학교 의료생명대학 의학공학부) ,  조동현 (건국대학교 의료생명대학 의학공학부) ,  정순철 (건국대학교 의료생명대학 의학공학부) ,  탁계래 (건국대학교 의료생명대학 의학공학부) ,  전재훈 (건국대학교 의료생명대학 의학공학부) ,  이봉수 (건국대학교 의료생명대학 의학공학부) ,  손상희 (청주대학교 이공대학 전자정보공학부) ,  조승현 (성균관대학교 고분자기술연구소)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

We have developed a noncontact temperature sensor using a silver halides infrared optical fiber. An infrared radiation from a heat source is transferred by a silver halides infrared optical fiber and measured by infrared sensors such as a thermopile and a thermal optical power-meter. The relationshi...


참고문헌 (7)

  1. M. Shimizu and S. Kachi, 'Low-temperature radiation using infrared fiber', Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Reprinted by Permission of the Publisher from Proceedings of the 3rd Sensor Symposium, pp. 275-276, 1983 

  2. A. Zur and A. Katzir, 'Fiber for low - temperature radiometric measurements', Optical Society of America, Reprinted by Permission of the Publisher from Applied Optics, vol. 26, no. 7, pp. 1201-1206, 1987 

  3. J. A. Harrington, 'Infrared fibers and their applications', SPIE PRESS, Bellingham, pp. 1-8, 2004 

  4. O. Eyal, A. Zur, O. Shenfeld, M. Gilo, and A. Katzir, 'Silver halide fiber optic radiometer for temperature measurements of irradiated tissue', Fiber Optic Sensors in Medical Diagnostics, SPIE, vol. 1886, pp. 159-171, 1993 

  5. S. Shalem, A. German, and A. Katzir, 'Optical properties of silver-halide core/clad IR fibers', SPIE, vol. 2631, pp. 216-225, 1995 

  6. T. Miyashita and T. Manabe, 'Infrared optical fibers', IEEE Journal ofQuantum Electronics, vol. QE-18, no. 10, pp. 1432-1450, 1982 

  7. D. C. Tran, K. H. Levin, and R. Mossadegh, 'IR fiber temperature sensing system', Infrared Optical Materials and Fibers V. Proc. SPIE, vol. 843, pp. 148-154, 1987 

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