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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this paper, we suggest a noise estimation method for speech enhancement in nonstationary noisy environments. The proposed method consists of the following two main processes. First, in order to receive fewer affect of variable signals, a best fitting regression line is used, which is obtained by ...


AI 본문요약
AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

* AI 자동 식별 결과로 적합하지 않은 문장이 있을 수 있으니, 이용에 유의하시기 바랍니다.

제안 방법

  • 05. For the experiment, 20 speech signals consisting of 10 female and 10 male speakers are chosen from TIMIT database, and 2 types of noise are selected from NoiseX-92 database: speech-like noise and aircraft cockpit noise, Each speech is corrupted by each type noises with SNR 0 dB, 5 dB, and 10 dB. The sampling frequency is 16 kHz.
  • In this paper, we present an efficient noise estimation method by using the estimated noise at the previous frame only, without employing the statistical information of long past frames and nonspeech frames obtained by the VAD. First, in order to receive fewer affect of variable signals, the best fitting regression line (BFRL) [11] is used, which is calculated by applying the least squares method to coefficient magnitudes in the node with the uniform wavelet packet transform (UWPT) [13].


  • In this paper, we present an efficient noise estimation method by using the estimated noise at the previous frame only, without employing the statistical information of long past frames and nonspeech frames obtained by the VAD. First, in order to receive fewer affect of variable signals, the best fitting regression line (BFRL) [11] is used, which is calculated by applying the least squares method to coefficient magnitudes in the node with the uniform wavelet packet transform (UWPT) [13]. Next, in order to update the noise estimation efficiently, the differential forgetting factor and the correlation coefficient per subband are used, where subband is employed for applying the weighted value according to the change of signals.
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참고문헌 (14)

  1. B. Carnero and A. Drygajlo, 'Perceptual speech coding and enhancement using frame-synchronized fast wavelet packet transform algorithm,' IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, 47(6) 1622-1635, Jun. 1999 

  2. S. F. Boll, 'Suppression of acoustic noise in speech using spectral subtraction,' IEEE Trans. Acoustic Speech Signal Processing, vol, ASSP-27, 2 113-120, Apr. 1979 

  3. N. Virag, 'Single channel speech enhancement based on masking properties of the human auditory system,' IEEE Trans. Speech and Audio Processing, 7(2) 126-137, Mar. 1999 

  4. R. Martin, 'Spectral subtraction based on minimum statistics, 'EUROSPEECH, 1182-1185, Sept. 1994 

  5. G. Doblinger, 'Computationally efficient speech enhancement by spectral minima tracking in subbands,' EUROSPEECH, 1513-1516, Sept. 1995 

  6. I. Cohen and B. Berdugo, 'Noise estimation by minima controlled recursive averaging for robust speech enhancement,' IEEE Signal Process. Lett., 9(1) 12-15, Jan. 2002 

  7. I. Cohen, 'Noise spectrum estimation in adverse environments: improved minima controlled recursive averaging,' IEEE Trans. Speech and Audio Processing, 11(5) 466-475, Sept. 2003 

  8. S. Rangachari, P. C. Loizou, and Y. Hu, 'A noise estimation algorithm with rapid adaptation for highly non-stationary environments,' IEEE ICASSP, 305-308, May 2004 

  9. Z. Lin and R. Goubran, 'Instant noise estimation using Fourier transform of AMDF and variable start minima search,' IEEE ICASSP, 161-164, Mar. 2005 

  10. H. G. Hirsh and C. Ehrlicher, 'Noise estimation techniques for robust speech recognition,' IEEE ICASSP, 153-156, May 1995 

  11. T. K. Moon and W. C. Stirling, Mathematical methods and algorithms for signal processing, Upper Saddle River, (NJ: PrenticeHall, 2000) 

  12. J. R. Deller, J. G. Proakis, and J. H. L. Hansen, Discrete-time processing of speech signals, Englewood Cliffs, (NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1993) 

  13. S. Mallat, A wavelet tour of signal processing, (2nd Ed., Academic Press, 1999) 

  14. N. Virag, 'Single channel speech enhancement based on masking properties of the human auditory system,' IEEE Trans. Speech Audio Processing, 7(2) 126-137, Mar. 1999 

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