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[국내논문] Tectonic Link between NE China and Korean Peninsula, Revealed by Interpreting CHAMP Satellite Magnetic and GRACE Satellite Gravity Data 원문보기

지구물리 = Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society, v.9 no.3 = no.30, 2006년, pp.209 - 217  

(GeoForschungsZentrum-Potsdam) ,  오창환 (전북대학교)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The major continental blocks in NE-Asia are the North China Block and the South China Blo, which have collided, starting from the Korean peninsula. The suture zone in NE China between two blocks is well defined from the QinIing-Dabie-Orogenic Belt to the Jiaodong (Sulu) Belt by the geological and ge...


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