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[국내논문] 용접자동화를 위한 센싱 시스템 개발에 관한 연구
A Study on Development of Sensing System for Welding Automation 원문보기

大韓溶接學會誌 = Journal of the Korean Welding Society, v.24 no.3, 2006년, pp.9 - 14  

김일수 (국립목포대학교 기계선박해양공학부) ,  강봉용 (한국생산기술연구원, 정밀접합팀)

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문제 정의

  • 본 보에서는 용접자동화 필수적인 센서 및 센싱 개발현황, 적외선센서, 적외선 센서를 이용한 용접선 추적시스템 구축, 성능평가를 위한 용접자동화 시스템의 구현에 대하여 소개한다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (13)

  1. H. B. Smartt : Arc-welding process welding: Theory and practice. Elsevier Science Publishers. (1990). 175-208 

  2. A. Newell and H. Simon: Human problemsolving. Englewood Cliffs. NJ: Prentice Hall (1972) 

  3. R. W. Richardson. A. Gutow, R. A. Anderson and D.F. Farson : Coaxial weld pool viewing for process monitoring and control. Welding Journal. 63-3 (1984). 43-50 

  4. H. B. Smartt. P. Einerson. A. D. Watkins and R. A. Morris : Gas metal arc welding process sensing and control. Proceedings of an International Conference on Trends in Welding Research (1986). 461-465 

  5. G. E. Cook : Through-the-are sensing for arc welding. Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Production Research and Technology. National Science Foundation. ISBN 0-89883-087-7. (1983). 141-151 

  6. J. J. Hunter. G. W. Bryce and J. Doherty : On-line control of the arc welding process, the 2nd International Conference on Computer Technology in Welding, Cambridge 37 (1988), 1-12 

  7. R. J. Salter and R. T. Deam : A practical front face penetration control system for TIG welding. Developments in Automated and Robotic Welding. Cambridge. UK, The Welding Institute. (1987). 38-1-38-12 

  8. David Nizan : Three-dimensional vision structure for robot applications, IEEE Trans. on PAMI, 10-3 (1988) 

  9. Y. Suga. T. Kitaoka and K. Okawa : On detection of the weld line and automatic seam tracking by the a welding robot with a visual sensor for the lap welding of the thin aluminum plates. Welding international 12 (1990). 218-225 

  10. Y. Suga, and Y. Sano : Recognition of the weld line by a visual system and weld line tracking in automatic welding of thin aluminium. Welding International 50 (1993). 18-25 

  11. M. Y. Lee and H. W. Kim : On-line penetration depth measurement system using infrared temperature sensing on $Co_2$ laser welding, APCNDT (2003), 192 (in Korean) 

  12. W. Ameling, J. Borowka, U. Dilthey. L Kreft. M. Raus and W. Scheller .Adaptive arc sensor for varying joint geometry-the use of artificial neuronal networks. Welding and Cutting. February. (1992) 

  13. X. M. Zeng : Report on network for TIG welding knowledge base system. Liverpool University. (1990). 150-163 

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