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[국내논문] Dyeing and Fastness Properties of a Reactive Disperse Dye on PET, Nylon, Silk and N/P Fabrics 원문보기

Fibers and polymers, v.7 no.2, 2006년, pp.174 - 179  

Bae Jin-Seok (Korea Dyeing Technology Center) ,  Park Jong-Ho (Department of Textile Engineering, NITRI, Konkuk University) ,  Koh Joon-Seok (Department of Textile Engineering, NITRI, Konkuk University) ,  Kim Sung-Dong (Department of Textile Engineering, NITRI, Konkuk University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Dyeing and color fastness properties of a reactive disperse dye containing an acetoxyethylsulphone group on PET, Nylon, silk and N/P fabrics were examined. The reactive disperse dye exhibited almost the same dyeing properties on PET fabric as a conventional disperse dye except the level of dye uptak...


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제안 방법

  • Fastness to washing, light, dry heat, rubbing and perspiration were measured using AATCC 61 IIA, AATCC 16A, AATCC 117, AATCC 8 and AATCC 15 methods respectively.

대상 데이터

  • SD-60(Borregaard, anionic) and Disper N-700(Meisei Chemical, nonionic) were used as dispersing agents for milling and for dyeing respectively. PET fabric (75 d/36 f; plain weaved, 210 x 191/5 cm), Nylon 6 fabric (70 d/24 £ plain weaved, 210 x 191/5 cm), silk febric (crepe de chine, 16 mm, 45”), N/P mixture fabric (warp, Nylon 70 d/24 f; weft, PET 150 d/192 f; N/P = 46/54) were used for dyeing.


  • The reflectance values of the dyed fobrics were measured using a Color-Eye 3100 (Macbeth, USA) under illuminant D65 using 10 0 standard observers. Color strength (K/S) was calculated from the reflectance vale using Kubelka-Munk equation. The dye uptake on PET was calculated by extraction with hot DMF and pre-determined calibration curve.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (9)

  1. J. Shore, 'Blends Dyeing', pp.10-19, SOC, Bradford, 1998 

  2. D. M. Lewis and P. J. Broadbent, J.S.D.C, 113, 159 (1997) 

  3. H. S. Freeman and J. Sokolowska, Rev. Prog. Coloration, 29, 8 (1999) 

  4. S. M. Burkinshaw and G. W. Collins, Dyes and Pigments, 25,31 (1994) 

  5. K. H. Sunwoo and S. M. Burkinshaw, J. Korean Soc. Dyers Finishers, 8, 361 (1996) 

  6. K. H. Sunwoo and S. M. Burkinshaw, J. Korean Soc. Dyers Finishers, 8, 385 (1996) 

  7. K. H. Sunwoo and S. M. Burkinshaw, J. Korean Soc. Dyers Finishers, 8, 445 (1996) 

  8. K. S. Kim, S. D. Kim, J. L. Lee, and K. H. Lee, J. Korean Fiber Soc., 38, 683 (2001)?? 

  9. S. D. Kim, Y. H. Lee, B. S. Lee, and J. Y. Jaung, J. Korean Fiber Soc., 39, 723 (2002) 

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