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Channel-fill Deposits of Gravel-bed Stream, Southeastern Eumsung Basin (Cretaceous), Korea 원문보기

한국지구과학회지 = Journal of the Korean Earth Science Society, v.27 no.7, 2006년, pp.757 - 767  

Ryang, Woo-Hun (Division of Science Education)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Alluvial-plain deposits in the southeastern part of the Eumsung Basin (Cretaceous) are characterized by coarse-grained channel fills encased in purple siltstone beds. It represents distinct channel geometry, infill organization, and variations in facies distribution. The directions of paleocurrent, ...


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문제 정의

  • This study is concerned with the Dootasan Sequence in the southeastern part of the basin. According to the paleocurrent data of threedimensional exposures, clast size, and composition, the Dootasan Sequence was largely derived from the southeastern margin where calc-alkaline volcanics are present along the basin margin (Fig.
  • In addition, threedimensional sections along the southeastern basin margin provide rare opportunities for the study of channel-filling processes in alluvial gravel-bed streams. This study may help understand factors that control downstream-changing alluvial channels in a small-scale strike-slip basin.

가설 설정

  • Interpretation: Purple siltstone are indicative of subaerial exposure. Green-gray mudstone were formed in subaqueous lacustrine environments when smallscale lake was formed or base level rose toward the basin margin.
  • Interpretation: The conglomerate fills were probably formed by multiple stage deposition such as scour fill or gravel lag by flooding and subsequent infilling by stream flows. The presence of lateral grain-size variation, coarse-grained openwork fabric, and the upward-fining of the hollow fills can be explained by deposition from waning floods and subsequent reworking/winnowing by stream flows.
  • Interpretation: The sheetlike geometry is indicative of less confined ephemeral flows. Some symmetrically scoured hollows suggest that the channels acted as distributive or crevasse-splay channel systems.
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