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평판 핀 튜브 열교환기의 공기측 강제대류 열전달계수에 대한 실험 및 수치계산
Experimental Measurement and Numerical Computation on the Air-Side Forced Convective Heat Tranfer Coefficient in Plate Fin-Tube Exchangers 원문보기

설비공학논문집 = Korean journal of air-conditioning and refrigeration engineering, v.18 no.9, 2006년, pp.729 - 737  

윤영환 (창원대학교 기계공학과) ,  팽진기 (창원대학교 기계공학과 대학원) ,  윤건식 (창원대학교 기계공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Air-side forced convective heat transfer of a plate fin-tube heat exchanger is investigated by experimental measurement and numerical computation. The heat exchanger consists of staggered arrangement of refrigerant pipes of 10.2 m diameter and the pitch of fins is 3.5 m. In the experimental study, t...


참고문헌 (9)

  1. Kays, W. M. and London, A. L., 1984, Compact Heat Exchangers, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill, pp. 7, 224 

  2. Wang, C. C., Chi, K. Y. and Chang, C.J., 2000, Heat transfer and friction characteristics of plain fin-and-tube heat exchangers, Part II: Correlation, Int. J. Heat Mass Trans., Vol. 43, pp. 2693-2700 

  3. Kim, N. H., Youn, B. and Webb, R. L., 1999, Air-side heat transfer and friction correlation for plain fin and tube heat exchangers with staggered tube arrangements, J. Heat Transfer, Vol. 121, pp.662-667 

  4. Gray, D. L. and Webb, R. L., 1986, Heat transfer and friction correlations for plate fin and tube heat exchangers having plain fins, Proceeding of the 9th International Heat Transfer Conference, Taylor & Francis, London, San Francisco, pp.2475-2750 

  5. Chung, K. Y. and Lee, K. S., 2001, Heat and flow analysis of a parallel flow heat exchanger, Society of Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Engineers of Korea, pp. 424-430 

  6. Ko, S. H. and Park, H. G., Park, B. K. and Kim, C.J., 2001, Numerical analysis on the condensation heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of the horizontal tubes of modular shell and tube-bundle heat exchanger, The Korea Society Mechanical Engineers, pp. 191-198 

  7. Yun, J. W., Yun, J. Y. and Kim, M. H., 1995, Numerical study on the characteristics of flow and heat transfer in fined tube heat exchanger, Society of Air-Conditioning and! Refrigerating Engineers of Korea, pp.74-79 

  8. Kim, S. T. and Choi, Y. H., 2000, Numericall modeling for air-side flow characteristics of fin-tube heat exchangers for air-conditioning applications, The Korea Society Energy Engineering, J., Vol. 9, No.4, pp.309-318 

  9. Schmidt, T. E., 1949, Heat transfer calculations for extended surfaces, Journal of the ASRE, Refrigerating Engineering, Vol. 4, pp. 351-357 

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