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다공성 세라믹 매트를 이용한 복사버너에서의 연소라디칼 특성과 배기배출물에 관한 연구
A Study of Characteristics of Combustion Radical and Exhausted Emissions in a Radiant Burner with Porous Ceramic Mat 원문보기

大韓機械學會論文集. Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers. B. B, v.31 no.6 = no.261, 2007년, pp.539 - 546  

김영수 (LG전자 DAC 연구소) ,  조승완 (부산대학교 기계공학과) ,  김규보 (부산대학교 기계공학과) ,  장영준 (부산대학교 기계공학부, 기계기술연구소) ,  전충환 (부산대학교 기계공학부, 기계기술연구소)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

An experimental study was performed to investigate the characteristics of chemiluminescence in a radiant burner, varying the excess air ratio from 0.91 to 1.67 at firing rate 80.5 to 134.2 kW/m2 on $OH^*,\;CH^*,\;{C_2}^*$ in LNG-Air premixed flames. The signals from electronically excited...


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문제 정의

  • 다공성 세라믹 매트를 이용한 복사버너에서 다양한 열용량(firing rate)과 공기 과잉률 변화에 따른 자발광 배출특성 및 배기배출특성 에 대해 연구하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다.
  • 따라서 본 연구에서는 다공성 세라믹 매트를 이용한 복사버너 (radiant burner)에서 다양한 열용량(firing rate)과 공기과잉률 변화에 따른 O*, H CH, 그리고 C2* 라디칼 측정으로 복사버너에 대한 화염구조 분석과 배기배출물 분석을 통한 버너 및 세라믹 매트(Mat)의 성능 평가방법에 필요한 기초 자료 제시 및 다양한 형태의 복사 버너 와보다 나은 복사효율과 친 환경적인 복사버너 설계 시 기초 자료를 제시하고자 한다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (25)

  1. Sayangdev Naha and Suresh K. Aggarwal, 2004, 'Fuel Effects on NOx Emissions in Partially Premixed Flames,' Combustion and Flame, Vol 139, pp. 90-105 

  2. Turbiez, A., El Bakali, A., Pauwels, J. F., Rida, A. and Meunier, P., 2004, 'Experimental Study of a Low Pressure Stoichiometric Premixed Methane, Methane/Ethane, Methane/Ethane/Propane and Synthetic Natural Gas Flames,' Fuel, Vol 83, pp. 933-941 

  3. Mishra, D.P., 2003, 'Effects of Initial Temperature on the Structure of Laminar CH4-air Premixed Flames,' Fuel, Vol 82, pp. 1471-1475 

  4. Li, B.X., Lu, Y.P., Liu, L.H., Kudo, K. and Tan, H.P., 2005, 'Analysis of Directional Radiative Behavior and Heating Efficiency for a Gas-Fired Radiant Burner,' Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 92, pp. 51-59 

  5. Manish Kumar Tiwari, Achintya Mukhopadhyay and Dipankar Sanyal, 2005, 'Process Modeling for Control of a Batch Heat Treatment Furnace with Low NOx Radiant Tube Burner,' Energy Conversion and Management 46, pp. 2093-2113 

  6. Qiu, K. and Hayden, A.C.S. 2006, 'Premixed Gas Combustion Stabilized in Fiber felt and its Application to a Novel Radiant burner,' Fuel 85, pp. 1094-1100 

  7. Najm, H.N., Paul, P.H., Mueller, C.J. and Wyckoff, P.S. 1998, 'On the Adequacy of Certain Experimental Observables as Measurements of Flame Burning Rate,' Combustion and Flame, Vol. 113, pp.312-332 

  8. Ikeda, Y., Kojima, J. and Hashimoto, H., 2002, 'Local Chemiluminescence Spectra Measurements in a High-Pressure Laminar Methane/Air Premixed Flame,' Proceedings of Combustion Institute, Vol. 29, pp. 1495-1501 

  9. Lubarsky, E. and Levy, Y., 1998, 'Experimental Investigation of Flame-Holding System for the Suppression of Ramjet Rumble,' Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 27, pp. 2033-2037 

  10. Paschereit, C.O., Gutmark, E. and Weisenstein, W., 1998, 'Control of Thermoacoustic Instabilities and Emissions in an Industrial-Type Gas- Turbine Combustor,' Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 27, pp. 1871-1824 

  11. Walsh, K.T., Long, M.B., Tanoff, M.A. and Smooke, M.D. 1998, 'Experimental and Computational Study of CH, $CH^*,\;and\;OH^*$ in an Axisymmetric Laminar Diffusion Flame,' Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 27, pp. 615-623 

  12. Luque, J., Jeffries, J.B., Smith, G.P., Crosley, D.R., Walsh, K.T., Long, M.B. and Smooke, M.D., 2000, 'CH (A-X) and OH (A-X) Optical Emission in an Axisymmetric Laminar Diffusion Flame,' Combustion and Flame, Vol. 122, pp. 172-175 

  13. Kojima, J., Ikeda, Y. and Nakajima, T., 2000, 'Spatially Resolved Measurement of OH*, CH*, and C2* Chemiluminescence in the Reaction Zone of Laminar Methane/Air Premixed Flames,' Prog. Combust. Inst. 28, pp. 1757-1764 

  14. Ikeda, Y., Kojima, J., Nakajima, T., Akamatsu, F. and Katsuki, M., 2000, 'Measurement of the Local Flamecfront Structure of Turbulent Premixed Flames by Local Chemiluminescence,' Prog. Combust. Inst. 28, pp. 343-350 

  15. Lee, S. Y., Seo, S., Broda, J. C. and Santoro, R. J., 2000, 'An Experimental Estimation of Mean Reaction Rate and Flame Structure during Combustion Instability in a Lean Premixed Gas Turbine Combustor,' Prog. Combust. Inst. 28, pp. 775-782 

  16. Heberle, N. H., Smith, G. P., Jeffries, J. B., Crosley, D. R. and Dible, R. W., 2000, 'Simultaneous Laser-Induced Fluorescence and Rayleigh Scattering Measurements of Structure in Partially Premixed Flame,' Appl. Phys., B 71, pp. 733-740 

  17. Byeong Jun Lee, Yong Suhk Gil, Jae Won Hahn, Suk Ho Chung, 1996, 'Hydroxyl Radical Measurements in the Flame LIF,' KSME(B), Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 710-719 

  18. Higgins, B., McQuary, M. Q., F. Lacas, Rolon, J. C., Darabiha, N. and Candel, S., 2001, 'Systemic Measurements of OH Chemiluminescence for Fuel-Lean, High-Pressure, Premixed, Laminar Flames,' Fuel, Vol. 80, pp. 67-74 

  19. Higgins, B., McQuary, M. Q., Lacas, F. and Candel, S., 2001, 'An Experimental Study on the Effect of Pressure and Strain Rate on CH N/Air Flames,' Fuel, Vol. 80, pp. 67-74 

  20. Lyle, K. H., Tseng, L. K., Gore, J. P. and Laurendeau, N. M., 1999, 'A Study of Pollutant Emission Characteristics of Partially Premixed Turbulent Jet Flames,' Comb. and Flame, Vol. 116, pp. 627-639 

  21. Gore, J. P. and Zhan, N. J., 1996, 'NOx Emission and Major Species Concentrations in Partially Premixed Laminar Methane/Air Co-Flow Jet Flames,' Comb. and Flame, Vol. 105, pp. 414-427 

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  23. Rumminger, M.D., 1996, 'Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer and Pollutant Formation in Porous Direct Fired Radiation Burners,' Ph.D These, University of California-Berkeley 

  24. Cho, S. W., Kim, Y. S., Jeon, C. H. and Chang, Y. J., 2005, 'An Experimental Study of the Optimization for Ceramic Fiber Radiant Burner,' The 7th Cross Straits Symposium on Materials, Energy, and Environmental Sciences, Japan Kyushu University pp. 179-180 

  25. Lim, J. M., Gore, J. and Viskanta, R., 2000, 'A study of the Effects of Air Preheat on the Structure of Methane/Air Counter Diffusion Flames,' Combustion and Flame, Vol. 121, pp. 262-274 

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