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폐콘크리트에서 중액선별(重液選別)을 이용한 재생골재(再生骨材)의 선별(選別)
Separation of Recycled Aggregates from Waste Concrete by Heavy Medium Separation 원문보기

資源리싸이클링 = Journal of the Korean Institute of Resources Recycling, v.16 no.5 = no.79, 2007년, pp.13 - 18  

이명규 (동아대학교 자원공학과) ,  권기오 (동아대학교 자원공학과) ,  간빌렉 (동아대학교 자원공학과) ,  강헌찬 (동아대학교 자원공학과)

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폐콘크리트를 재활용하기 위하여 파쇄과정과 입도조절과정을 거쳐서 생산된 재생골재에는 모르타르나 시멘트페이스트가 많이 부착되어 있어 밀도가 낮고 흡수율이 높아 구조용 골재로 사용할 수 없는 실정이다. 그러나 생산된 재생골재 내에는 많은 양의 콘크리트용 재생골재가 포함되어 있으며 이들을 비중선별방법 중 중액선별을 통해 선별하여 콘크리트용 1종 재생골재를 약 45%정도를 생산할 수 있었다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The recycled aggregates produced from waste concrete by crushing and granularity adjusting processes only can't be used for structural aggregates because they display low density and high abrasion rate by including lots of mortar and cement paste. However, the recycled aggregates include a lot of ag...


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* AI 자동 식별 결과로 적합하지 않은 문장이 있을 수 있으니, 이용에 유의하시기 바랍니다.

제안 방법

  • So this study was progressed about the separation method of recycled aggregates from waste concrete with minimum quantity of sludge discharging and saving energy.

대상 데이터

  • 40 mm and 25 mm recycled aggregates from company S was used in this study.


  • In order to understand the physical properties of 40 mm and 25 mm recycled aggregates produced by crushing and granularity adjusting processes, density and absorption rate were measured according to KS F 2503 (Testing Method for Density and Absorption of Coarse Aggregates - Korean Industrial Standards). Afterwards, heavy medium separation was tested by using tetrabromoethane.
  • The change of abrasion rate as a result of the changing specific gravity of suspension was measured according to KS F 2508(Method of Test for Abrasion of Coarse Aggregates by Use of The Los Angeles Machine). And the results are shown in Fig.
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참고문헌 (3)

  1. Sea-Hyun Lee, 2001: 재생골재의 재활용 활성화 방안, Journal of Korean Society of Road Engineers 3(1), pp. 96-102 

  2. Kyoung-Rok Kong, Sung-Yul An, Heon-Chan Kang, 2004: The Characteristic Study by Particle size and Distribution of Recycled Aggregates, Proceedings of The Korean Institute of Resources Recycling 23, pp.133-137 

  3. Kyoung-Rok Kong, Heon-Chan Kang, 2004: A Study on Application of Recycled Aggregate for Concrete,東?大學校 附設 環境問題?究所 ?究報告 第26? pp.1-9 

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