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[국내논문] Isolation of Cysteine Protease Actinidin Gene from Chinese Wild Kiwifruit and its Expression in Escherichia coli 원문보기

Food science and biotechnology, v.16 no.2 = no.74, 2007년, pp.294 - 298  

Lee, Nam-Keun (Department of Biotechnology, Chung Ang University) ,  Hahm, Young-Tae (Department of Biotechnology, Chung Ang University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The actinidin (EC 3.4.22. 14) found in kiwifruit is a cysteine protease. In order to obtain the actinidin gene from the Chinese wild kiwifruit, primers were designed on the basis of the actinidin gene of Actinidia deliciosa, the New Zealand kiwifruit. The 1.2 kb DNA fragment was acquired from the to...


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제안 방법

  • As kiwifruit was reported to harbor a strong protease (1), research has been conducted into its molecular biological properties (2-5) and its pHfication from pulp (6-9).


  • Using bovine serum albumin (BSA; Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA, USA) as a standard, the protein concentrations were determined via the Bio-Rad Bradford method.
  • The solubilization of inclusion bodies was conducted using a modified version of Margetts's method (22). The expressed protein was denatured with 8 M urea containing 0.
  • Specific protease activity was determined via a modified version of Yamaguchi's method (16, 17). One tenth %(w/v) casein in 0.
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참고문헌 (23)

  1. Arcus AC. Proteolytic enzyme of Actinidia chinensis. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 33: 242-244 (1959) 

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  3. Came A, Moore CH. The amino acid sequence of the tryptic peptides from the fruit of Actinidia chinensis. Biochem. J. 173: 7383 (1978) 

  4. Podivinsky E, Forster RLS, Gardner RC. Nucleotide sequence of actinidin, a kiwifruit protease. Nucleic Acids Res. 17: 8363 (1989) 

  5. Praekelt UM, McKee RA, Smith H. Molecular analysis of actinidin, the cysteine proteinase of Actinidina chinensis. Plant Mol. Biol. 10: 193-202 (1988) 

  6. Cho SJ, Chung SH, Suh HJ, Lee H, Kong DH, Yang HC. Purification and characterization of a protease actindin isolation from cheju kiwifruit. Korean J. Food Nutr. 7: 87-94 (1994) 

  7. Kim BJ. Purification and characterization of kiwifruit protease. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol. 21: 569-574 (1989) 

  8. Tello-Solis SR, Valle-Guadarrama ME, Hernandez-Arana A. Purification and circular dichroism studies of multiple forms of actinidin from Actinidia chinensis (kiwifruit). Plant Sci. 106: 227-232 (1995) 

  9. Thomas MP, Verma C, Boyd SM, Brocklehurst K. The structural origins of the unusual specificities observed the isolation of chymopapain M and actinidin by covalent chromatography and the lack of inhibition of chymopapain by cystatin. Biochem. J. 306: 39-46 (1995) 

  10. Boyes S, Strubi P, Marsh H. Actinidin levels in fruit of Actinidia species and some Actinidia arguta rootstock-scion combinations. Lebensm. -Wiss. Technol. 30: 379-389 (1997) 

  11. Lin E, Bums DJW, Gardner RC. Fruit developmental regulation of the kiwifruit actinidin promoter is conserved in transgenic petunia plants. Plant Mol. Biol. 23: 489-499 (1993) 

  12. Paul W, Amiss J, Try R, Praekelt U, Scott R, Smith H. Correct processing of the kiwifruit protease actinidin in transgenic tobacco requires the presence of the C-teminal propeptide. Plant Physiol. 108: 261-268 (1995) 

  13. Baker EN, Boland MJ, Calder PC, Hardman MJ. The specificity of actinidin and its relationship to the structure of the enzyme. Biochirn. Biophys. Acta 616: 30-34 (1980) 

  14. McDowall MA. Anionic proteinase from Actindia chinensis and properties of crystalline enzyme. Eur. J. Biochem. 14: 214-221 (1970) 

  15. Nam SH, Walsh MK, Young KY. The enzymatic properties of actinidin from kiwifruit. Food Sci. Biotechnol. 15: 453-457 (2006) 

  16. Kang BS, Lee ES, Kim BY, Hahm YT. Studies on characterization of kiwifruit protease in the Korean kiwifruit and its possibility of industrial application. Daesan Nonchong 4: 125-132 (1996) 

  17. Yamaguchi T, Yamashita Y, Takeda I, Hirashi K. Proteolytic enzymes in green asparagus, kiwifruit, and miut: Occurrence and partial characterization. Agr. Biol. Chem. Tokyo 46: 1983-1986 (1982) 

  18. Yuwono T. The presence of actinidin (cysteine protease) and recombinant plasmids carrying the actinidin gene influence the growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. World J. Microb. Biot. 20: 441-447 (2004) 

  19. Yuwono T, Praekelt UM, Meacock PA. The role of amino-terminal and carboxy-terminal extensions in the processing and translocation of a plant proteinase (Actinidin) expressed in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. World J. Microb. Biot. 21: 1223-1230 (2005) 

  20. Sambrook J, Fritsch EF, Maniatis T. Fresh competent E. coli prepared using calcium chloride and extraction of RNA with guanidinium thocyanate followed by centrifugation in cesium chloride solutions. pp: 1.82-1.84, 7.19-7.22. In: Molecular Cloning. 2nd ed. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA (1989) 

  21. Snowden KC, Gardner RC. Nucleotide sequence of an actinidin genomic clone. Nucleic Acids Res. 18: 6684 (1990) 

  22. Margetts MB, Barr IG, Webb EA. Overexpression, purification, and refolding of a porphyromonas gingivalis cysteine protease from Escherichia coli. Protein Expres. Purif. 18: 262-268 (2000) 

  23. Taylor MA, Pratt KA, Revell DF, Baker KC, Sumner IG, Goodenough PW. Active papain renatured and processed from insoluble recombinant propapain expressed in Escherichia coli. Protein Eng. 5: 455-459 (1992) 

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