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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Development of rudder gap flow blocking device for lift augmentation and cavitation suppression is presented. In order to verify the performance of this device, cavitation visualization and surface pressure measurements were carried out in a cavitation tunnel. Numerical simulations were conducted us...


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AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

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제안 방법

  • The cavitation phenomenon was then recorded with a video camera and analyzed. For surface pressure measurements, holes were made on the surface of the model and the pressure was measured using a pressure transducer and scanival.,e.
  • To confirm that the gap flow blocking devices function as expected, cavitation inception tests and surface pressure measurements were carried out with the pintle section model with 5-degree deflection angle. The experimental condition is summarized in Table 1.
  • In order to further investigate the effectiveness of the gap blocking devices, the surface pressure measurements were carried out at non-cavitating atmospheric conditions. Note that, due to the cavitation bubbles floating around and sucked into the pressure tap, the pressure measurements were not possible when the tank was depressurized.

대상 데이터

  • The holes were located around mid-span with a 3mm interval, along a line that makes approximately five degrees with the flow direction. The diameter of each hole is 2mm (see Figure 7) Model tests were carried out in the cavitation tunnel, whose measurement section extends 1 m long, 0.15 m wide, and 0.5 m high. The controllable pressure range is 15 kPa to 300 kPa and the maximum flow speed is 16 m/s.


  • The computational results were obtained by solving the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations.
  • The CFD code, FLUENT 6.2, employs a cell-centered finite-volume method. Convective terms are discretized using the second order accurate upwind scheme, while diffusive terms are discretized using the second order accurate central differencing scheme.
  • Convective terms are discretized using the second order accurate upwind scheme, while diffusive terms are discretized using the second order accurate central differencing scheme. The velocity-pressure coupling and overall solution procedure are based on a SIMPLEC type segregated algorithm. The convergence criteria in the present study were at least three orders of magnitude drop in the mass conservation imbalance and momentum equation residuals, which are deemed sufficient for mo아 steady flow solutions.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (13)

  1. Boo, G.T, I.H Song and S.C Shin. 2003a. Numerical Simulation for the Rudder in order to Control the Cavitation Phenomena. Proc. International Workshop on Frontier Technology in Ship and Ocean Engineering, Seoul, Korea 

  2. Boo, K.T., J.M.Han, I.H.Song and S.C.Shin. 2003b. Viscous Flow Analysis for the Rudder Section Using FLUENT Code. Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea, 40, 4, 30-36.(In Korean) 

  3. Choi, J.-E. and S.-H.Chung. 2007. Characteristics of Gap Flow of a 2-Dimensional Horn-type Rudder Section. Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea, 44, 2, 101-110.(In Korean) 

  4. Kim, S-E, and S.H Rhee. 2002. Assessment of Eight Turbulence Models for a Three-Dimensional Boundary Layer Involving Crossflow and Streamwise Vortices. AIAA Paper 2002-0852, Proc.40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV, USA 

  5. Kim, S.P., J.J Park, Y.S.Kim, Y.H.Jang, Y.B.Choi and B.G.Paik. 2006. An Experimental Research on Gap Cavitation Erosion of Semi-spade Rudder. Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea, 43, 5, 578-585.(In Korean) 

  6. Paik, B.-G., K.-Y.Kim, J.-W.Ahn, Y.-S.Kim, S.-P.Kim and J.-J.Park. 2008. Experimental study on the gap entrance profile affecting rudder gap cavitation. Ocean Engineering, 35, 139-149 

  7. Park, S.H, J.K.Heo and B.S.Yu. 2007. Numerical Study on Horn Rudder Section to Reduce Gap Cavitation. 10th International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures (2007 PRADS), 2, Houston, Texas, USA, 1255-1260 

  8. Rhee, S.H, and H.Kim. 2006. Analysis of Rudder Cavitation in Propeller Slipstream and Development of its Suppression Devices. Proc.2006 SNAME Maritime Technology Conference & Expo, Ft.Lauderdale, FL 

  9. Rhee, S.H., and B.Makarov. 2005. Validation Study for Free-Surface Wave Flows Around Surface-Piercing Cylindrical Structures.Proc.24th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Halkidiki, Greece 

  10. Rhee, S.H., B.Makarov, H.Krishnan and V.Ivanov. 2005. Assessment of Volume of Fluid Method for Free-Surface Wave Flows.Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 10, 4, 173-180 

  11. Shen, Y.T., C.W., Jiang and K.D.Remmers. 1997. A Twisted Rudder for Reduced Cavitation. J.Ship Research, 41, 4, 260-272 

  12. Shih, T.-H., W.W.Liou, A.Shabbir, Z., Yang and Z.Zhu.1995. A New k- $\varepsilon$ Eddy- Viscosity Model for High Reynolds Number Turbulent Flows - Model Development and Validation. Computers Fluids, 24, 3, 227-238 

  13. Song, I.H., K.J.Paik, S.M.Ahn, J.K.Oh and J.C.Suh. 2004. Cavitation Characteristics on various 2-Dimensional Rudder with Gap. Proc. Annual Autumn Metting of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea, Sancheong, Korea, 51-56.(In Korea) 

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