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NTIS 바로가기설비공학논문집 = Korean journal of air-conditioning and refrigeration engineering, v.20 no.1, 2008년, pp.75 - 80
전용한 (인하대학교 대학원) , 김종윤 (인하대학교 기계기술공동연구소) , 김남진 (제주대학교 에너지공학과) , 서태범 (인하대학교 기계공학과) , 김종보 (인하대학교 대학원)
The objective of this research was to investigate the enhancement of heat transfer by mesh in water/air direct contact air conditioning system. Mesh is inserted as a turbulent promoter in front of the water injection nozzle. The heat transfer characteristics with and without mesh and the effect of t...
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