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[국내논문] 축제식 양식어장 유어낚시터 운영 경제성 분석
An Economic Analysis on Fishing in the Cultivating Fishery by Embankment 원문보기

水産海洋敎育硏究 = Journal of fisheries and marine sciences education, v.20 no.3 = no.42, 2008년, pp.429 - 441  

이상고 (부경대학교) ,  신용민 (부경대학교)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The purpose of this study aims at analyzing the profit from manage a fishing place in the cultivating fishery by embankment. With the spread of the living pattern laying stress on the quality of life and the introduction of a 5-day workweek system, demand for tourism and leisure are increasing stead...


참고문헌 (11)

  1. 이상고(2003), 해양낚시의 제도적 관리 타당성에 관한 공공경제학 및 환경경제학적 분석연구, 수산경영론집, 34(1), 137-156 

  2. 해양수산부(2002), 낚시면허제 도입의 필요성과 타당성에 관한 연구, 연구보고서, 한국수산회 수산정책연구 

  3. 해양수산부(2004), 해상가두리 낚시터 모델개발 및 활용방안, 한국해양수산개발원 

  4. 해양수산부(2004-2006), 어류양식어업 기본조사 

  5. 해양수산부(2008), 해수면 축제식양식장 낚시터 개발 및 활용방안, 부경대학교 수산과학연구소 

  6. Hickley, P.C.H.Tompkins(1998), Recreational Fisheries Fishing News Books, 1-310 

  7. Korakandy, Ramukrishra(1999), Recreational Fisheries Development and Management in India: A Study of Economics and Management with Special Reference to Kerala, India 

  8. Michael R. Ross, Nancy Haver and Robert C. Biagi(1991), Recreational Fisheries of Coastal New England, New York 

  9. Nordic Council of Ministers(2000), Economic Value of Recreational Fisheries in the Nordic Countries, Copenhagen 

  10. Phil Hickley(ed.), et al.(1998), Recreational Fisheries: Social, Economic & Management Aspects, London 

  11. William F. Sigler, John W. Sigler(1990), Recreational Fisheries: Management, Theory, and Application, Washington D.C. 

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