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[국내논문] 60 Hz 고압송전선로 인접 주거지역의 자기장 노출수준 평가
Evaluation of the Magnetic Field Exposure Level in 60 Hz High Voltage Transmission Lines Nearby Residential Area 원문보기

韓國環境保健學會誌 = Journal of environmental health sciences, v.34 no.1 = no.100, 2008년, pp.27 - 33  

홍승철 (인제대학교 의생명공학대학 보건안전공학과) ,  정준식 (인제대학교 의생명공학대학 보건안전공학과) ,  김근영 (인제대학교 의생명공학대학 보건안전공학과) ,  박현주 (인제대학교 의생명공학대학 보건안전공학과) ,  최성호 (한양대학교 환경 및 산업의학연구소)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In order to evaluate the magnetic field (MF) exposure level in residential areas near high voltage power lines, this research measured MF levels at 120 sites near high voltage transmission lines in the Busan region, Gwangju region, Daegu region and Changwon region from July to December, 2005, and co...


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문제 정의

  • 본 연구에서는 고압송전선로 인접 주거지의 건물 사용 용도, 이격거리에 따르는 자기장 노출 수준, 층별 높이에 따른 자기장 노출 수준, 지중송전선과 가공 송전선의 자기장 방출 수준을 이론식 및 실측치와 측정 비교함으로써 객관적 노출 자료의 확보를 통한 적절 이격거리 및 노출 최소화를 위한 기초자료를 생산하고자 한다.
  • 본 연구는 고압송전선로 주변의 자기장 노출 수준을 파악하기 위하여 대상 지점에서 Spot 측정을 실시하였다. 연구에 사용된 측정기기는 EMDEX n(Enertech, USA)로 X, y, z 삼 축 방향의 자기장을 측정하여 vector 합산값으로 나타내는 system으로, Fig.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (17)

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  3. NIESH - National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Assessment of Health Effects from Exposure to Power-line Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields. National Institute of Health, 1998 

  4. WHO - World Health Organization . Framework for Developing Health-based EMF Standards. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2006a 

  5. Kim, Y. S., Jo, Y. S., Wi, S. C. and Hong, S. C. : Assessment of melatonin levels in human volunteers exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Korean Society of Environmental Health, 23(3), 130-135, 1997 

  6. Kim, Y. S., Kim, S. Y., Park, J. Y. and Choi, W. U. : Measurement and personal exposure assessment of extremely low frequency(ELF) Electromagnetic Fields(EMF). Korean Society of Environmental Health, 23(1), 55-61, 1997 

  7. Kim, Y. S., Hyun, Y. J., Choi, S. H., Lee, C. M., Roh, Y. M., Cho, Y. S. and Hong, S. C. : Exposure assessment of extremely low frequency magnetic field by variable exposure matrices for the selected primary schoolchildren living nearby and away from a overhead transmission power line. Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 16(4), 334-345, 2006 

  8. Cho, Y. S., Kim, Y. S., Lee, J. T., Hong, S. C. and Jang, S. K. : Relationship between urinary melatonin levels and extremely low frequency magnetic fields for the selected primary schoolchildren living nearby and away from overhead transmission power line. Korean Society of Environmental Health, 30(3), 191- 206, 2004 

  9. Kim, Y. S., Hyun, Y. J., Cho, Y. S., Choi, S. H., Lee, K. S. and Hong, S. C. : Emitting characteristics of extremely low frequency electromagnetic field in the micro-environments. Korean Society for Indoor Environment, 2(1), 1-11, 2005 

  10. 전재경 : 전자파의 법적규제-송전선로 분쟁을 중심으 로. 한국법제연구원, 28-52, 1996 

  11. Jeon, I. S. : Exposure limits of magnetic fields of high voltage transmission lines for evaluation of environmental impact. Korean Society of Environmental Impact Assessment, 13(5), 243-250, 2004 

  12. 신동천, 김덕원, 이종태 : 전자파 인체권고기준 설정을 위한 조사연구. 환경부, 1997 

  13. National Council on Radiation and Protection and Measurements. NCRP Scientific Committee 89-3 on Extremely Low Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields. 1995 

  14. M. Karus, Neu Grenz-und Vorsogerwert und sie hewegen sich doch, Elektrosmog-report, 2002 

  15. A Project of California Department of Health Service and Public Health Institute Califionia, Electric and Magnetic Fields Program, 2000 

  16. Hong, S. C., Choi, S. H., Kim, Y. S. and Park, J. Y. : Study about the applicable plan of GIS on range of magnetic field emitted from 60 Hz powerline. Korean Society of Environmental Impact Assessment, 15(4), 271-277, 2006 

  17. Savits, D. A., Wachtel, H., Barnes, F. A., John, E. M. and Tvrdik, J. G. : C ase con trol s tudy o f childhood cancer and exposure to 60 Hz magnetic fields. American Journal of Epidemiology, 128, 21-38, 1998 

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