한국 남성의 연령 증가에 따른 혈중 luteinizing hormone(LH), testosterone(T), 그리고 타액 T 수준 변화를 조사하였다. 혈중LH 수준은 40대까지 유의한 변화를 보이지 않았으나(20s, $2.5{\sim}1.0$; 30s, $2.7{\sim}1.5$; and 40s, $2.5{\sim}1.8\;mIU/mL$), 50대 이상에서 유의하게 증가하였다(50s, $3.7{\sim}1.8$ and 60s, $3.1{\sim}1.7\;mIU/mL$). 또한, 혈중 T 수준도 40대까지는 변화하지 않았으나(20s, $5.3{\sim}2.6$, 30s, $4.4{\sim}1.4$, 40s, $4.1{\sim}1.5$ ng/mL), 50대 이후 유의하게 감소하였다(50s, $3.4{\sim}1.5$; 60s, $2.6{\sim}0.8\;ng/mL$). 타액 T 수준 또한 40대까지 약간의 변화가 나타났으나($20s{\sim}40s$, $0.11{\pm}0.015\;ng/mL$), 50대에 유의하게 감소하였다($0.08{\sim}0.03\;ng/mL$). 타액 T 대 혈중 T의 상대적인 비율은 모든 연령대에서 유의한 변화가 없었다($2.4{\sim}0.9%$). 직선회귀 분석(Linear regression analysis)에서 혈중 LH 수준은 매년 1.5%씩 증가하고 혈중 T와 타액 T 수준은 각각 매년 1%와 0.8%씩 감소하는 것으로 예측되었다. 혈중 T/LH 비율은 40대까지 유의한 변화가 없었으나($20s{\sim}40s$; $2.27{\pm}0.14$) 50대에 유의하게 감소하였다($1.2{\sim}1.0$). 연령과 관련된 타액 T/LH 비율은 혈중 T/LH 비율과 대단히 유사하였다. 본 연구 결과에서 혈중 LH와 T, 그리고 타액 T 수준이 한국인 남성에서 40대까지는 유의하게 변화하지 않았고, 50대부터는 LH 수준이 증가하고 T 수준이 감소하였다. 이 결과는 50대경 노화과정에 의해 일어나는 원발성 정소부전(primary testicular failure)이 원인인 것으로 보인다. 또한, 본 연구결과는 비록 타액 T 수준이 혈중 총 T 수준과 약한 상관관계(r=0.53)를 갖지만, 혈중 free T 수준을 나타내는 것으로 보인다. 그러므로, 타액 T 수준에 대한 정보는 연령과 관련해서 나타나는 남성 정소생리를 연구하는데 유용할 것으로 사료된다.
한국 남성의 연령 증가에 따른 혈중 luteinizing hormone(LH), testosterone(T), 그리고 타액 T 수준 변화를 조사하였다. 혈중LH 수준은 40대까지 유의한 변화를 보이지 않았으나(20s, $2.5{\sim}1.0$; 30s, $2.7{\sim}1.5$; and 40s, $2.5{\sim}1.8\;mIU/mL$), 50대 이상에서 유의하게 증가하였다(50s, $3.7{\sim}1.8$ and 60s, $3.1{\sim}1.7\;mIU/mL$). 또한, 혈중 T 수준도 40대까지는 변화하지 않았으나(20s, $5.3{\sim}2.6$, 30s, $4.4{\sim}1.4$, 40s, $4.1{\sim}1.5$ ng/mL), 50대 이후 유의하게 감소하였다(50s, $3.4{\sim}1.5$; 60s, $2.6{\sim}0.8\;ng/mL$). 타액 T 수준 또한 40대까지 약간의 변화가 나타났으나($20s{\sim}40s$, $0.11{\pm}0.015\;ng/mL$), 50대에 유의하게 감소하였다($0.08{\sim}0.03\;ng/mL$). 타액 T 대 혈중 T의 상대적인 비율은 모든 연령대에서 유의한 변화가 없었다($2.4{\sim}0.9%$). 직선회귀 분석(Linear regression analysis)에서 혈중 LH 수준은 매년 1.5%씩 증가하고 혈중 T와 타액 T 수준은 각각 매년 1%와 0.8%씩 감소하는 것으로 예측되었다. 혈중 T/LH 비율은 40대까지 유의한 변화가 없었으나($20s{\sim}40s$; $2.27{\pm}0.14$) 50대에 유의하게 감소하였다($1.2{\sim}1.0$). 연령과 관련된 타액 T/LH 비율은 혈중 T/LH 비율과 대단히 유사하였다. 본 연구 결과에서 혈중 LH와 T, 그리고 타액 T 수준이 한국인 남성에서 40대까지는 유의하게 변화하지 않았고, 50대부터는 LH 수준이 증가하고 T 수준이 감소하였다. 이 결과는 50대경 노화과정에 의해 일어나는 원발성 정소부전(primary testicular failure)이 원인인 것으로 보인다. 또한, 본 연구결과는 비록 타액 T 수준이 혈중 총 T 수준과 약한 상관관계(r=0.53)를 갖지만, 혈중 free T 수준을 나타내는 것으로 보인다. 그러므로, 타액 T 수준에 대한 정보는 연령과 관련해서 나타나는 남성 정소생리를 연구하는데 유용할 것으로 사료된다.
Changes in luteinizing hormone (LH), serum testosterone (T), and salivary T levels with age were examined in Korean men. Serum was obtained from 167 Korean men of different ages ($20{\sim}69\;y$), and the serum LH and T levels were measured. Saliva samples were also obtained, and the sali...
Changes in luteinizing hormone (LH), serum testosterone (T), and salivary T levels with age were examined in Korean men. Serum was obtained from 167 Korean men of different ages ($20{\sim}69\;y$), and the serum LH and T levels were measured. Saliva samples were also obtained, and the salivary T level was determined. The LH levels did not change considerably until 40 y of age (20s, $2.5{\pm}1.0$; 30s, $2.7{\pm}1.5$; and 40s, $2.5{\pm}1.8\;mIU/mL$) but increased significantly around 50 y (50s, $3.7{\pm}1.8$ and 60s, $3.1{\pm}1.7\;mIU/mL$). Further, the serum T levels also did not change until 40 y of age (20s, $5.3{\pm}2.6$, 30s, $4.4{\pm}1.4$, 40s, $4.1{\pm}1.5\;ng/mL$) but decreased significantly at 50 y (50s, $3.4{\pm}1.5$; 60s, $2.6{\pm}0.8\;ng/mL$). The salivary T levels also showed small changes until the age of 40 y ($20s{\sim}40s$, $0.11{\pm}0.015\;ng/mL$) but decreased significantly at 50 y ($0.08{\pm}0.03\;ng/mL$). Thus, the relative ratio of salivary T to serum T levels did not change significantly in all the ages examined ($2.4{\pm}0.9%$). Linear regression analysis predicted that the LH levels increased 1.5%/y while the serum and salivary T levels decreased 1%/y and 0.8%/y, respectively. The serum T/LH ratio did not change considerably until the age of 40 y ($20s{\sim}40s$, $2.27{\pm}0.14$) but decreased significantly ($1.2{\pm}1.0$) at 50 y. Age-related changes in the salivary T/LH ratio were very similar to those in the serum T/LH ratio. These results demonstrated that LH and T levels in serum or saliva did not change considerably until 40 y of age; instead, in Korean men, from 50 y of age, the LH level increased, while the T level decreased. This suggests that primary testicular failure that occurred due to aging (approximately 50 y) and caused this phenomenon. The present study also shows that the salivary T level can be an indicator of the free T level in serum although the salivary T level correlates weakly with the total T level in serum (r=0.53). Thus, information regarding salivary T levels may be useful for studying the age-related changes occurring in male testicular physiology.
Changes in luteinizing hormone (LH), serum testosterone (T), and salivary T levels with age were examined in Korean men. Serum was obtained from 167 Korean men of different ages ($20{\sim}69\;y$), and the serum LH and T levels were measured. Saliva samples were also obtained, and the salivary T level was determined. The LH levels did not change considerably until 40 y of age (20s, $2.5{\pm}1.0$; 30s, $2.7{\pm}1.5$; and 40s, $2.5{\pm}1.8\;mIU/mL$) but increased significantly around 50 y (50s, $3.7{\pm}1.8$ and 60s, $3.1{\pm}1.7\;mIU/mL$). Further, the serum T levels also did not change until 40 y of age (20s, $5.3{\pm}2.6$, 30s, $4.4{\pm}1.4$, 40s, $4.1{\pm}1.5\;ng/mL$) but decreased significantly at 50 y (50s, $3.4{\pm}1.5$; 60s, $2.6{\pm}0.8\;ng/mL$). The salivary T levels also showed small changes until the age of 40 y ($20s{\sim}40s$, $0.11{\pm}0.015\;ng/mL$) but decreased significantly at 50 y ($0.08{\pm}0.03\;ng/mL$). Thus, the relative ratio of salivary T to serum T levels did not change significantly in all the ages examined ($2.4{\pm}0.9%$). Linear regression analysis predicted that the LH levels increased 1.5%/y while the serum and salivary T levels decreased 1%/y and 0.8%/y, respectively. The serum T/LH ratio did not change considerably until the age of 40 y ($20s{\sim}40s$, $2.27{\pm}0.14$) but decreased significantly ($1.2{\pm}1.0$) at 50 y. Age-related changes in the salivary T/LH ratio were very similar to those in the serum T/LH ratio. These results demonstrated that LH and T levels in serum or saliva did not change considerably until 40 y of age; instead, in Korean men, from 50 y of age, the LH level increased, while the T level decreased. This suggests that primary testicular failure that occurred due to aging (approximately 50 y) and caused this phenomenon. The present study also shows that the salivary T level can be an indicator of the free T level in serum although the salivary T level correlates weakly with the total T level in serum (r=0.53). Thus, information regarding salivary T levels may be useful for studying the age-related changes occurring in male testicular physiology.
* AI 자동 식별 결과로 적합하지 않은 문장이 있을 수 있으니, 이용에 유의하시기 바랍니다.
대상 데이터
1 mL. I125-labeled T (testosterone-3- (O-caboxymethyl oximino- (2-125I iodohistamine) was obtained from Amersham Biosciences (Buckinghamshire, UK). T antiserum was purchased from Biogenesis (Oxford, UK).
Changes in LH levels, total T/LH ratio, and salivary T/ LH ratio in Korean men of different age groups. Samples were collected between 10 AM and 11 AM, and the LH levels in the serum samples (n=166) were determined by an IRMA. The LH levels are depicted in A, the serum T/LH ratio in B, and the salivary T/LH ratio in C.
Pearson’s correlation (r, P) was calculated by using GraphPad Prism version 4 for Windows (San Diego, CA, USA) to correlate serum and salivary hormone levels.
1 for Windows (Tulsa, OK, USA) was used for the analysis. Linear regression analysis was carried out to determine the relationship between hormone levels and age by using STATISTICA. Pearson’s correlation (r, P) was calculated by using GraphPad Prism version 4 for Windows (San Diego, CA, USA) to correlate serum and salivary hormone levels.
Pearson’s correlation was calculated to compare the serum and salivary T levels.
Data was collected from 151 paired (saliva and serum) samples, and correlation coefficients (Pearson’s correlation coefficient r and P) were evaluated.
Conventional methods (mean and SD and analysis of variance (ANOVA)-Tukey’s HSD test for unequal sample number) were used to analyze the differences in hormone levels between age groups; the level of significance was set at p<0.01, and STATISTICA version 5.1 for Windows (Tulsa, OK, USA) was used for the analysis.
, 2007). In this study, we measured the serum T and LH levels in Korean men of different age groups and found that the serum T levels decreased, while the LH levels increased significantly at 50 y of age; this phenomenon was due to testicular failure in old men. Free T levels in saliva were also measured to estimate the true levels of bioavailable T.
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