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용액/용융 전기방사법으로 제조된 Poly($\\varepsilon$-caprolactone)(PCL) 웹의 형태 및 열적 특성 비교
Comparison of Morphology and Thermal Properties of Poly($\\varepsilon$-caprolactone) (PCL) Webs Prepared by Solution/Melt Electrospinning Method

한국섬유공학회지 = Textile science and engineering, v.46 no.2 = no.293, 2009년, pp.62 - 67  

조병민 (충남대학교 바이오응용화학부 유기소재.섬유시스템공학) ,  남영식 (충남대학교 BK21 기술융합형 산업용섬유 인력양성사업팀) ,  오태환 (영남대학교 섬유패션학부) ,  정종호 (휴비스 R&D 센터) ,  박원호 (충남대학교 바이오응용화학부 유기소재.섬유시스템공학)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

PCL fiber web was fabricated through solution/melt electrospinning of PCL resin. PCL nanofibers were obtained by solution electrospinning of 10.5 wt% PCL solution and the resulting average fiber diameters were varied with the range of 150-500 nm. Melt electrospinning method has the advantage of solv...


참고문헌 (20)

  1. D. W. Hutmacher, T. Schantz, I. Zein, K. W. Ng, S. H. Teoh, and K. C. Tan, 'Mechanical Properties and Cell Cultural Response of Polycaprolactone Scaffolds Designed and Abricated via Fused Deposition Modeling', J Biomed Mater Res, 2001, 55, 203-216 

  2. M. C. Serrano, R. Pagani, M. Vallet-Reg $\acute{i}$ , J. Pe $\tilde{n}$ a, A. R $\acute{a}$ mila, I. Izquierdo, and M. T. Portol $\acute{e}$ s, 'In vitro Biocompatibility Assessment of Poly( $\varepsilon$ -caprolactone) Films Using L929 Mouse Fibroblasts', Biomaterials, 2004, 25, 5603-5611 

  3. G. C. Rutledge, M. Y. Shin, S. B. Warner, A. Buer, M. Grmler, and S. C. Ugbolue, 'A Fundamental Investigation of the Formation and Properties of Electrospun Fibers', NTC Annual Report, M98-D01, 2001 

  4. J. M. Deitzel, J. Kleinmeyer, D. Harrks, and N. C. Beck Tan, 'The Effect of Processing Variables on the Morphology of Electrospun Nanofibers and Textiles', Polymer, 2001, 42, 261-272 

  5. W. J. Li, R. Tuli, X. X. Huang, P. Laquerriere, and R. S. Tuan, 'Multilineage Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells in a Three-dimensional Nanofibrous Scaffold', Biomaterials, 2005, 26, 5158-5166 

  6. K. Fujihara, M. Kotaki, and S. Ramakrishna, 'Guided Bone Regeneration Membrane Made of Polycaprolactone/calcium Carbonate Composite Nano-fibers', Biomaterials, 2005, 26, 4139-4147 

  7. I. K. Kwon, S. Kidoaki, and T. Matsuda, 'Electrospun Nano- to Microfiber Fabrics Made of Biodegradable Copolyesters: Structural Characteristics, Mechanical Properties and Cell Adhesion Potential', Biomaterials, 2005, 26, 3929-3939 

  8. J. Zeng, X. S. Chen, Q. Z. Liang, X. L. Xu, and X. B. Jing, 'Enzymatic Degradation of Poly(l-lactide) and Poly(epsiloncaprolactone) Electrospun Fibers', Macromol Biosci, 2004, 4, 1118-1125 

  9. M. S. Khil, S. R. Bhattarai, H. Y. Kim, S. Z. Kim, and K. H. Lee, 'Novel Fabricated Matrix via Electrospinning for Tissue Engineering', J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater, 2005, 72B, 117-124 

  10. Y. Z. Zhang, H. W. Ouyang, C. T. Lim, S. Ramakrishna, and Z. M. Huang, 'Electrospinning of Gelatin Fibers and Gelatin/PCL Composite Fibrous Scaffolds', J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater, 2005, 72B, 156-165 

  11. W. J. Li, R. Tuli, C. Okafor, A. Derfoul, K. G. Danielson, D. J. Hall, and R. S. Tuan, 'A Three-dimensional Nanofibrous Scaffold for Cartilage Tissue Engineering Using Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells', Biomaterials, 2005, 26, 599-609 

  12. C. M. Hsu and S. Shivkumar, 'Nano-sized Beads and Porous Fiber Constructs of Poly(epsilon-caprolactone) Produced by Electrospinning', J Mater Sci, 2004, 39, 3003-3013 

  13. C. M. Hsu and S. Shivkumar, 'N-dimethylformamide Additions to the Solution for the Electrospinning of Poly(epsilon-caprolactone) Nanofibers', Macromol Mater Eng, 2004, 289, 334-340 

  14. M. Shin, O. Ishii, T. Sueda, and J. P. Vacanti, 'Contractile Cardiac Grafts Using a Novel Nanofibrous Mesh', Biomaterials, 2004, 25, 3717-3723 

  15. M. Shin, H. Yoshimoto, and J. P. Vacanti, 'In Vivo Bone Tissue Engineering Using Mesenchymal Stem Cells on a Novel Electrospun Nanofibrous Scaffold', Tissue Eng, 2004, 10, 33-41 

  16. W. J. Li, K. G. Danielson, P. G. Alexander, and R. S. Tuan, 'Biological Response of Chondrocytes Cultured in Threedimensional Nanofibrous Poly(epsilon caprolactone) Scaffolds', J Biomed Mater Res Part A, 2003, 67A, 1105-1114 

  17. J. Zeng, X. S. Chen, X. Y. Xu, Q. Z. Liang, X. C. Bian, L. X. Yang, and X. B. Jing, 'Ultrafine Fibers Electrospun from Biodegradable Polymers', J Appl Polym Sci, 2003, 89, 1085-1092 

  18. H. Yoshimoto, Y. M. Shin, H. Terai, and J. P. Vacanti, 'A Biodegradable Nanofiber Scaffold by Electrospinning and Its Potential for Bone Tissue Engineering', Biomaterials, 2003, 24, 2077-2082 

  19. K. H. Lee, H. Y. Kim, M. S. Khil, Y. M. Ra, and D. R. Lee, 'Characterization of Nano-structured Poly(epsilon-caprolactone) Nonwoven Mats via Electrospinning', Polymer, 2003, 44, 1287-1294 

  20. Y. You, S. J. Lee, B. M. Min, and W. H. Park, 'Effect of Solution Properties on Nanofibrous Structure of Electrospun Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)', J Appl Polym Sci, 2006, 99, 1214-1221 

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