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AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

1년 4개월령의 수컷 푸들견이 외상으로 인한 우측 전지의 통증과 들림 파행증으로 내원하였다. 정형 검사와 방사선 검사상에서 내측 견관절 탈구와 견갑골 골절이 확인되었다. 이두근의 힘줄을 작은 결절로 전위시켜 상완골에 고정시켰다. 이 교정은 잠재적인 관절의 퇴행성 변화의 원인이 될 수 있으나 본 환축에서는 3 년 이상의 관찰기간 동안 좋은 결과를 보였다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A 1 year 4 months old, male Poodle was presented with a history of non weight bearing lameness and pain of the right forelimb by trauma. Orthopedic examination and radiographs were revealed medial shoulder luxation and scapular fracture. Biceps tendon was translocated to the lesser tubercle and secu...


AI 본문요약
AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

* AI 자동 식별 결과로 적합하지 않은 문장이 있을 수 있으니, 이용에 유의하시기 바랍니다.

대상 데이터

  • A 1 year 4 months old intact male toy Poodle was brought to Konkuk University Veterinary Teaching Hospital for evaluation of non-weight bearing lameness and pain of the right forelimb in spite of medical management and Velpeau sling during 8 days after hit by the closing elevator doors. There were no remarkable findings on laboratory profiles except mild ALP increasing.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (9)

  1. Cook JL, Cook CR, Tomlinson JL, Millis DL, Starost M, Albrecht MA, Payne JT. Scapular fractures in dogs: epidemiology, classification, and concurrent injuries in 105 cases (1988-1994). J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1997; 33: 528-532 

  2. Craig E, Hohn RB, Anderson WD. Surgical stabilization of traumatic medial shoulder dislocation. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1980; 16: 93-102 

  3. Fossum TW. Diseases of the Joints. In: Small animal surgery, 3rd ed. St. Louis: Mosby Inc. 2007: 1183-1192 

  4. Hohn RB, Rosen H, Bohning RH Jr, Brown SG. Surgical stabilization of recurrent shoulder luxation. 1971; 1: 537-548 

  5. Piermatti DL, Flo GL, Decamp CE. The Shoulder Joint. In: Brinker, Piermattei, and Flo’s hand book of small animal orthopedics and fracture repair, 4th ed. St. Louis: WB Saunders. 2006: 264-271 

  6. Slatter D. Luxation of the Scapulohumeral Joint. In: Textbook of small animal surgery, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders Co. 2003: 1897-1904 

  7. Vasseur PB, Clinical results of surgical correction of shoulder luxation in dogs, J Am Vet Med Assoc 1983; 182: 503-505 

  8. Vasseur PB, Pool RR, Klein K. Effects of tendon transfer on the canine scapulohumeral joint. Am J Vet Res 1983; 44: 811-815 

  9. Wolff EF. Transposition of the biceps brachii tendon to repair luxation of the canine shoulder joint. Vet Med Small Anim Clin 1974; 69: 51-53 

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