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[국내논문] 사상의학에서 바라본 육류에 대한 이해 - 돼지고기와 닭고기에 대한 사상식품론
Understanding Meat from the Perspective of Sasang Constitutional Medicine - The theory of Four-constitution food with pork and chicken 원문보기

사상체질의학회지 = Journal of Sasang Constitutional Medicine, v.21 no.3, 2009년, pp.30 - 38  

이운규 (인하대학교 의학전문대학원 의학전문대학사업단) ,  김종덕 (사당한의원)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

1. Objectives: According to Sasang Constitutional Medicine, human beings are classified into four constitutions. Furthermore, medication and food should be taken differently based on the constitution because Sasang Constitutional Medicine is a field where all living things are perceived from a relat...


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문제 정의

  • We hope that this is one cf the framework for the understanding the animal with Sasang Constitutional Medicine^ viewpoint. And also, it may useful to apply the basis what we have outlined in this paper for improving the method of rais­ ing livestock as well as the research of laboratory animals.
  • This paper aims to identify the characteristics of the meat consumed, specially targeting pork and chicken as they are some of the most frequently enjoyed ones with the perception of the animals by the Sasang Constitutional Medicine. The study also reports on the reasons why pork and chicken aie considered to be more appropriate for the SY type and SE type constitution, respectively.
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참고문헌 (15)

  1. Chae H, Lyoo IK, Lee SJ, Cho S, Bae H, Hong M, Shin M. An alternative way to individualized medicine: psychological and physical traits of Sasang typology. J Altern Complement Med. 2003;9:519-528. 

  2. Lee JM, Choi S-H. transl. Longevity and life preservation in oriental medicine. Seoul, Korea: Kyung Hee Universtiy Press, 1996. 

  3. Jeong B, Ko B, Song I. Review on Sasang type specific medications (1). J Sasang Constitutional Med. 1995;7(1):169-261. (Korean) 

  4. Jeong B, Ko B, Song I. Review on Sasang type specific medications (2). J Sasang Constitutional Med. 1995;7(2):135-180. (Korean) 

  5. Yoo J-H, Kim J-W, Kim K-K, Kim J-Y, Koh B-H, Lee E-J. Sasangin diagnosis questionnaire: test of reliability. J Altern Complement Med. 2007;13:111-122. (Korean) 

  6. Kim JD. Health management based on Sasang Constitutional Medicine. Shindonga. 2001;January:152-189. (Korean) 

  7. Kim JD. Pigs and chickens. Doore. 2001;July:42-43. 

  8. Kim JD. Pigs, a symbol for fortune, believed to be Yin. AgraFood. 2007;January:48-49. 

  9. Kim JD. Why do Koreans consume Samgyetang in the hot summer weather? AgraFood. 2007;July:42-43. 

  10. Lee EH, Kim JD. The study of the poultry on a basis of Sasang Constitutional Medicine. The 7th summer congress of Sasang Constitutional Medicine. 2008;7 :141-152. (Korean) 

  11. KimJD. Crosstalk with pigs and Sasang Constitutional Medicine. Akomnews; November 24, 2008. (Korean) 

  12. Kim JD. Understand the chicken from the perspective of Sasang Constitutional Medicine. Seonguja. 1996;27:31-33. (Korean) 

  13. Kim JD. Health consultation for teachers - pork. The Korea Education Weekly; November 12, 1997. 

  14. Kim JD. Health consultation for teachers-Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae Galli. The Korea Education Weekly; December 10, 1997. (Korean) 

  15. Kim JD. Chicken, food of tonifying the Yang. Cookand. 2003;July:126-127. (Korean) 

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