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지표 방사율에 의한 지표온도와 도시열섬효과 비교
Comparison of Land Surface Temperatures Derived from Surface Emissivity with Urban Heat Island Effect 원문보기

환경영향평가 = Journal of environmental impact assessment, v.18 no.4, 2009년, pp.219 - 227  

정종철 (남서울대학교 지리정보공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Because of urban development and changed land cover types, It is very important to acquire pixel unit of land surface temperature(LST) information when the heat island effect(HIE) of regional area are investigated. The brightness temperature observed by satellite is very useful for assessing the pix...


참고문헌 (18)

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  2. 김운수 외, 2001, 서울시 기상특성을 고려한 도시계획기법 연구, 서울시정개발원, 34-75 

  3. 박민호, 2001, Landsat TM 열적외데이터를 이용한 도시열섬효과에 관한 연구, 측정 및 지형공간정보, 21(6), 861-874 

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  8. 이종범 외, 1993, 춘전지역 도시열섬의 특성과 대기질에 미치는 영향, 한국대기보전학회지, 9(4). 303-309 

  9. 정종철 외, 1999, Landsat TM을 이용한 표층수온분석 오차, 대한원격탐사학회지, 15(1), 1-8 

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  11. Govindha RAJ, 2008, Surface Temperature Estimation from Landsat ETM Data for a part of the Baspa Basin, NW Himalaya, India, Bulletin of Glaciological Research, 25, 19-26 

  12. Manawadu and Nirosha Liyanage, 2008, Identifying Surface Temperature Pattern of the City of Colombo, ENGINEER - Vol. XXXXI, No. 05, 133-140 

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  16. Sospedra, F., Caselles, V., and Valor, E., 1998, EVective wavenumber for thermal infrared bands application to Landsat TM. Int. Journal of Remote Sensing, 19, 2015-2117 

  17. Southworth, 2004, An assessment of Landsat TM band 6 themal data for analysing land cover in tropical dry forest regions, Int. Journal of Remote Sensing, 25(4), 689-706 

  18. Yang, et al., 2004, Estimation of Land Surface Temperature Using Interpolation and Satellite-Derived Surface Emissivity, Journal of Environmental Informatics, 4(1), 37-44 

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