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  • 필수적이다. 처음 수술 후 1개월 동안 1주일에 한 번씩 내원하도록 하여 치은연상치태를 제거해주며 그 후 3개월 동안 1 개월에 한 번씩 내원하도록 하여 유지관리를 하며 골이 재생될 수 있는 6개월 동안은 탐침을 피하도록 한다. 그 후엔 적절히 치태조절이 된다면 3개월에 한 번씩 유지관리치료를 받도록 한다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (10)

  1. Melcher AH. On the repair potential of periodontal tissues. J Periodontol 1976;47:256. 

  2. Boyko GA, Melcher AH, Brunetle DM. Formation of new periodontal ligament cells implanted in vivo after culture in vitro. A preliminary study of transplanted roots in the dog. J Periodont Res 1981;16:73. 

  3. Nyman S, Karring T, Lindhe J, Planten S. Healing following implantation of periodontitis-affected roots into gingival connetive tissue. J Clin Periodontol 1980;7:394. 

  4. Newman MG, Takei HH, Klokkevold PR,Carranza FA. Carranza's Clinical Periodontology, 10th edition. 

  5. Wilson TG, Kornman KS. Fundamentals of Periodontics, second edition. 

  6. Steffensen B, Weber HP. Relationship between the radiographic periodontal defect angle and healing after treatment. J Periodontol 1989;60:248-254. 

  7. Aichelmann-Reidy ME, Renolds MA. Predictabilit of clinical outcomes following regenerative therapy in intrabony defects. J Periodontol 2008;79:387-393. 

  8. Pagliaro U, Nieri M, Rotundo R, et al. Clinical guidelines of the Italian society of periodontology for the reconstructive surgical treatment of angular bony defects in periodontal patients. J Periodontol 2008;79:2219-2232. 

  9. Browning Es, Mealey BL, Mellonig JT. Evaluation of a mineralized cancellous bone allograft for the treatment of periodontal osseous defects:6-month surgical reentry. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2009;29:41-47. 

  10. Sculean A, Nikolidakis D, Schwarz F. Regeneration of periodontal tissues:combination of barrier membranes and grafting materials-biological foundation and preclinical evidence:a systematic review. J Clin Periodontol 2008;35:106-116. 

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