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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Korea multi-purpose satellite-5 (KOMPSAT-5) is a low earth orbit (LEO) satellite scheduled to be launched in 2010. To satisfy the precision orbit determination (POD) requirement for a high resolution synthetic aperture radar image of KOMPSAT-5, KOMPSAT-5 has atmosphere occultation POD (AOPOD) system...


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AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

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제안 방법

  • We are also performing researches, based on the results, on the operation strategies for the individual scenarios for the IGOR operation. In this article, we introduce the AOPOD system that is supposed to be installed to the KOMPSAT-5 as the sub-payload and present the results of the study about the operation strategies for the effective GPS radio occultation data gathering which is the satellite mission firstly performed in Korea. GPS radio occultation data can be utilized in various scientific applications including monitoring of atmosphere and ionosphere of the earth as well as weather forecast (Wickert et al.
  • In Table 3, the POD+OCC phase is divided into six modes depending on the GPS radio occultation functions of the IGOR and the KOMPSAT-5 operation scenarios. Additionally, for the effective occultation in each mode, four sets of occultation parameters were generated: setting atmospheric occultation (OCCAFT), rising atmospheric occultation (OCCFWD), setting ionospheric occultation (IONOAFT) and rising ionospheric occultation (IONOFWD).
  • In this article, the AOPOD system, the sub-payload of the KOMPSAT-5, and its functions were introduced and the operation strategy for the GPS radio occultation was described. Two phases and eight modes were established for the GPS radio occultation operation based on the KOMPSAT-5 operation phases and the various functions of IGOR.
  • In this article, the AOPOD system, the sub-payload of the KOMPSAT-5, and its functions were introduced and the operation strategy for the GPS radio occultation was described. Two phases and eight modes were established for the GPS radio occultation operation based on the KOMPSAT-5 operation phases and the various functions of IGOR. In addition, five IGOR operation categories were established and applied for the effective data gathering and each of the categories were constituted by the combination of various remote commands to perform the basic IGOR functions as well as the POD and occultation missions.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (11)

  1. Choi, M. S., Cho, S. K., Choi, B. K., Jo, J. H., Park, J. U., Lee, W. K., & Park, I. K. 2008, Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) Technical Report: KOMPSAT-5 Space-Borne Dual Frequency GPS Receiver Test-Bed, Technical Report No.08-001-070 (Daejeon: KASI) 

  2. Fjeldbo, G., Kloire, A. J., & Eshleman, V. R. 1971, AJ, 76, 123, doi: 10.1086/111096 

  3. Hajj, G. A., Kursinski, E. R., Ramans, L. J., Bertiger, W. I., & Leroy, S. S. 2002, JASTP, 64, 451, doi: 10.1016/S1364-6826(01)00114-6 

  4. KARI 2008, KARI Technical Report: KOMPSAT-5 Critical Design 

  5. KASI 2009a, KASI Technical Report: KASI IGOR Command and Data Dictionary, DUGD10411000-19 (Daejeon: KASI) 

  6. KASI 2009b, KASI Technical Report: KOMPSAT-5 AOPOD/Spacecraft Bus Interface Control Document, K5-SP-340-005 (Daejeon: KASI) 

  7. KASI 2009c, KASI Technical Report: KOMPSAT-5 AOPOD Payload Specification, K5-SP-570-001 (Daejeon: KASI) 

  8. Lee, W. K., Jeong, J. K., Cho, S. K., Park, J. U., Yoon, J. C., Lee, J. H., Cheon, Y. S., & Lee, S. R. 2007, JASS, 24, 297 

  9. Montenbruck, O., Williams, J., Wang, T., & Lightsey, G. 2005, DLR/GSOC Technical Report: Preflight Validation of the IGOR GPS Receiver for TerraSAR-X, GTN-TST-0200 (Munich: 

  10. Wickert, S., Reigber, C., Beyerle, G., Konig. R., Marquardt, C., Schmidt, T., Grunwaldt, L., Galas, R., Meehan, T. K., Melbourne, 

  11. Williams, J., Lightsey, G., Yoon, S. P., & Schutz, R. E. 2002, in ION GPS Conference (Portland: Institute of Navigation), pp.703-714 

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