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해양조사선 참바다호의 조종성능에 관한 연구
A study on the maneuverabilities of the marine research vessel CHARMBADA 원문보기

한국어업기술학회지 = Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries Technology, v.46 no.1, 2010년, pp.56 - 69  

안영수 (경상대학교 해양산업연구소) ,  배광민 (경상대학교 해양산업연구소) ,  장충식 (경상대학교 해양산업연구소) ,  정연수 (경상대학교 해양산업연구소) ,  강일권 (부경대학교 해양생산시스템관리학부) ,  김보연 (경상대학교 해양산업연구소)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study was intended to determine the maneuverability of the vessel CHARMBADA. When the rudder angle was at $10^{\circ}$, $20^{\circ}$ and $30^{\circ}$, the maximum advance by slow, half and full ahead were varied in the range of 523.6-131.3m, 528.8-177.2m and 530...


참고문헌 (11)

  1. An, Y.S., I.K. Kang, H.S. Kim, J.C. Kim, M.S. Kim, H.J. Jo, and C.K. Lee, 2005. A study on the manoeuvrability of T/S SAEBADA by real sea trials. J.Korean Soc. Fish. Tech., 41 (4), 289-295. 

  2. Chung H.K. and M.S. Seo, 1997. Measuarement of turning circle of M/V HAERIM by the GPS. Bulletin of the Institute of Fisheries Science, Kunsan National University, 13, 35-42. 

  3. Choi, Y.J., 2004. An experimental study on the effect of L/B ratio and stern end form to the resistance characteristics for planing boat. Chosun University Press., 13-18 

  4. Chung H.K. and M.S. Seo, 2004. Measuarement of turning circle of M/V HAERIM by the GPS. Bulletin of the Institute of Fisheries Science, Kunsan National University, 3, 491-498. 

  5. Jeong, H.S., K.Y. Kim and M.S. Kim, 1998. A study on the maneuverabilities of the training ship M.S. GALMAEGI NO.2. J.Korean Soc. Fish. Tech., 34(4), 366-372. 

  6. Kim, Y.J. and J.S. Kim, 1996. A study on the ship's maneuverabilities by turning test. Yosu Nat l Fish. Univ., 10, 1-11. 

  7. Kim, M.S., H.O. Shin, K.M. Kang and M.S. Kim, 2005. Variation of the Turning circle by the rudder angle and the ship's speed - mainly on the training shipKAYA-. J.Korean Soc. Fish. Tech., 41 (2), 156-164. 

  8. Lee, Y.Y., S.H. Van, C.J. Lee, J.S. Park, and N.J. Park, 2004. Comparison test on the resistance and the selfpropulsion performance of single and twin-skeg hull forms. Proceedings of the Annual Autumn Meeting, SNAK, Sancheong, 245-246. 

  9. Lee, G.M. and J.S. Oh, 2005. The effect of the speed of a ship on her turning circle. Hong-ik faculty Journal, 15, 509-517. 

  10. Park, M.H., 2001. A study on the maneuverabilities of the training ship M.S A-RA, Jeju National University Press., 1-33. 

  11. Park, I.R., W.J. Kim, and S.H. Van, 2004. Grid generation and flow analysis around a twin-skeg container ship. Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea, 42 (1), 15-22. 

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