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[국내논문] Thermal Expansion and Dielectric Properties of CaO-ZnO-B2O3-SiO2 Glass-Added Al2O3 Composites for LTCC Applications 원문보기

한국세라믹학회지 = Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society, v.47 no.4 = no.329, 2010년, pp.325 - 328  

Byeon, Tae-Hun (Department of Advanced Ceramic Materials Engineering, Gangneung-Wonju National University) ,  Park, Hyo-Sung (Department of Advanced Ceramic Materials Engineering, Gangneung-Wonju National University) ,  Shin, Hyun-Ho (Department of Advanced Ceramic Materials Engineering, Gangneung-Wonju National University) ,  Yoon, Sang-Ok (Department of Advanced Ceramic Materials Engineering, Gangneung-Wonju National University) ,  Oh, Chang-Yong (Temen Technology, Inc., Gangneung Science Industry Park)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Varying quantities of a high-thermal-expansion glass, 50CaO-20ZnO-$20B_2O_3-10SiO_2$ (CZBS), were added to alumina and sintered at $875^{\circ}C$ for 2 h for low temperature co-firing ceramic (LTCC) applications. As the amount of glass addition increased from 40 wt% to 70 wt%, ...


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  • , 50CaO-20ZnO-20B2O3-10SiO2 (CZBS), was tested as a low-temperature-cofiring-ceramic (LTCC) glass for Al2O3 dielectric filler. As the amount of the glass addition increased from 40 wt% to 70 wt%, the apparent density of the sintered product increased from 88.8% to 91.5%. When the glass addition was very high, e.


  • 4(b)). As the glass addition increases, the competition between the dielectric-loss-decreasing source (e.g., densification) and the dielectric-loss-increasing source (e.g., formation of the secondary phases) can be thought as the plausible scenario for the minimal dielectric loss at 50 wt%~60 wt% glass addition, while further work is necessary to clarify this issue. In summarizing the representative properties of the fabricated composites, the 60 wt% CZBS glass-added composites yielded a porosity of roughly 9%, a dielectric constant of 6.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (11)

  1. N. T. Cho, K. B. Shimb, S. W. Lee, and K. D. Koo, “Fabrication of Low-temperature Co-Fired Ceramic (LTCC) Chip Couplers for High Frequencies: II. Effect of Binder Burnout Process on the Formation of Electrode Line,” J. Kor. Ceram. Soc., 36 [6] 583-89 (1999). 

  2. S.W. Lee, K.H. Kim, K. B. Shimb, and K. D. Koo, “Fabrication of Low-temperature Co-Fired Ceramic (LTCC) Chip Couplers for High Frequencies: II. Effect of Sintering Process on Ag Diffusion(in Korean),” J. Kor. Ceram. Soc., 36 [5] 490-96 (1999). 

  3. Y. Cho and K. W. Hang, ‘‘High Thermal Expansion Glass and Tape Composition,” US Patent 6835682, 2003. 

  4. N. Hamada, H. Yonekura, K. Nagae, Y. Furukubo, Y. Nakao, and M. Higashi, "High-Thermal-Expansion Glass Ceramic Sintered Product, US Patent 6348427, 2002. 

  5. A. A. Appen, “Versuch zur Klassfizierung von Komponenten nach ihrem Einflu ${\beta}$ ? auf die Oberflachenspannung von Silikatschmelzen,” Silikattechnik, 5 11-3 (1954). 

  6. J. S. Park, Y. Kim, H. Shin, J.H. Moon, and W. Lim “Calcium Zinc Borosilicate Glass with High Thermal Expansi on Coefficient for LTCC Application,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 91 [11] 3630-33 (2008). 

  7. W. D. Kingery, H. K. Bowen, and D. R. Uhlmann, Introduction to Ceramics 2nd Ed., p. 604, John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Ltd., Singapore ,1976. 

  8. H. Shin, J.-S. Park, S.-G. Kim, H. S. Jung, K. S. Hong, and H. Kim, “Role of Submicron Residual Fillers in Improving Optical Reflectance of Barrier Rib Glasses for Plasma Display Panels,” J. Mater. Res., 21 [7] 1753-58 (2006). 

  9. S-.G. Kim, J.-S. Park, J.-S. An, K. S. Hong, H. Shin, and H. Kim, “Effects of the Addition of Different Types of Fillers on the Properties of $BaO-ZnO-B_{2}O_{3}-SiO_{2}$ Glass Composites for Application to Barrier Ribs of Plasma Display Panels,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 89 [ 3] 902-7 (2006). 

  10. MatWeb Material Property Data, http://www.matweb.com/ 

  11. W. D. Kingery, H. K. Bowen, and D. R. Uhlmann, Introduction to Ceramics 2nd Ed., p. 947, John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Ltd., Singapore ,1976. 

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