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A Study on the Distribution of the Asbestos Cement Slates and Calculation of Disposal Cost in the Rural Area 원문보기

Architectural research, v.13 no.2, 2011년, pp.31 - 40  

Kim, Young-Chan (School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Kyungpook National University) ,  Son, Byeung-Hun (School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Kyungpook National University) ,  Park, Wha-Me (Environment and Industrial Medicine Institute, Hanyang University) ,  Hong, Won-Hwa (School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Kyungpook National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Asbestos have been used around the world by physical and chemical characteristics that are a reliable and cost-effective. But asbestos, once called the miracle of mineral, is now a quiet time bomb. Asbestos hazards have been studied and the government has pursued 'Comprehensive Measures for Asbestos...


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문제 정의

  • However, only some local governments have performed local examination, and there was no data on actual status of asbestos cement slate building in nationwide farming and fishing village per region, use or construction year, as well as standards for disposal cost. In this light, this study aims to analyze distribution feature of asbestos cement slate in nationwide farming and fishing village, calculate the waste slate disposal cost and present such standards.
  • This study was conducted with field survey of 103 buildings in 8 provinces to calculate the generation of asbestos cement slate and telephone polls on 7 final waste asbestos disposal companies. In addition, we analyzed all building ledgers of Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs Saewumteo(e-AIS), targeting all gun-unit administrative districts and calculated final disposal cost of waste asbestos.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (30)

  1. Joo, Dekahn, 'The Social Significance and Improvement Direction for Rural House', Thesis Collection of Architectural Institute of Korea special issue, 2005 

  2. Koo, Jun Mo, 'Removal and Process of Asbestos at Construction site in Korea', Korea Recycled Construction Resource Institute, 2009 

  3. An, Jong joo, et. al(1 person), 'Asbestos Pollution :Silent Time-Bomb', Nokwon Publisher, 1988 

  4. Kim, Young Chan, et. al(3 person), 'A Study on Distribution Feature of Asbestos Cement Slate Roofing of Building in the City', Thesis Collection of Architectural Institute of Korea, Jan. 2011. 

  5. Paek Do Myung, et. al (8 persons), Prevalence of Asbestosis in Korean Asbestos Industry, Korean Society of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1995 

  6. Bornemann P, Hildebrandt U. On the problem of environmental pollution by weathering products of asbestos cement. Staub Reinhalt. Luft, 1986 

  7. The Ministr y of Environment, Asbestos Management Catalogue, 2009 

  8. Kim Hyeon Wook et. al(5 persons), Releasing of asbestos fibers from the weathered asbestos cement slate roofing, Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. Vol. 20, No. 2, 2010 

  9. Spurny KR, On the release of asbestos fibers from weathered and corroded asbestos cement products. Environmental Research, 1989 

  10. Kim, Jeong-ok et. al(3 person), An Efficient Update for Attribute Data of the Digital Map using Building Registers : Focused on Building Numbers of the New Address, Korean Society of Surveying Geodesy, Journal of Photogrammetry and Cartography, Vol. 26, No. 3, 2008 

  11. Kim, Young Chan, et. al(3 person), A Study on Distribution Feature of Asbestos Cement Slate Roofing of Building in the City, Thesis Collection of Architectural Institute of Korea, Jan. 2011. 

  12. Article 3(5) of Framework Act on Agriculture and Fishery.Farming and Fishing Village and Food Industry 

  13. Jeong, Da Wi et. al, A Study on Calculation of Generation of Waste Asbestos of Farming Houses Building, Thesis Collection of Korea Society of Waste Management, 2009 

  14. Saemaeul Campaign Institute, 10 Year History of Saemaeul Campaign, Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1980 

  15. Building Registration System(Building Ledger, Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs e-AIS Saewumteo 

  16. Kim, Young Chan, Son, Byeung-Hun, Jeon, Kyu Yeob, Hong, Won-Hwa Analysis on Use of Slate Roofing by Residential Housing in City, Thesis Collection of Architectural Institute of Korea, Oct. 2010 

  17. Environment Resource Corporation, Examination on Use of Farming and Fishing Village Slate and Guideline on New Resource Project, 2009 

  18. Korea Asbestos Management Association homepage http://www.asbestos.or.kr/ 

  19. Song, Tae-hyeob et. al, A Study on the Cost Estimate of asbestos in Demolition Works, Thesis Collection of Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol. 29, No.1, 2009 

  20. The Ministry of Environment, Investigation of Use of Slate at Farmer and Fishermen's house and Effective Use, 2010 

  21. Shin, Yong Cheol, Son, Byeung-Hun, Hong, Won-Hwa, A Analytic Study on the Management System of the Waste Asbestos when Dismantling Buildings, Deagu, Gyoengbuk branch, Architectural Institute of Korea, 2007 

  22. Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, Standard of Construction Estimation, 2010 

  23. The Ministry of Labor, Manual for Asbestos Demolition and Removal Work, 2007 

  24. Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency, Asbestos Demolition and Removal Work Guideline, 2009 

  25. Han, Jeong et. al, A Study on Present Status of Rural Modernization Pilot Village and Satisfaction on Residence, Thesis collection of Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol. 25, No9, 2009 

  26. Jeon, Ho Sang et. al A Study on Drawing of Standard Rural House of Samaeul Campaign in 1970's in the course of Rural Modernization, Architectural Institute of Korea, 2000 

  27. Asbestos Safety Management Center homepage http://www.infoasbestos.org/ 

  28. Kim, Hyeon Ok et. al, Releasing of asbestos fibers from the weathered asbestos cement slate roofing, Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene p83, 2008 

  29. HSE Books Health and Safety Executive, Asbestos : The survey guide, 2010 

  30. Yasuhiro Otaki, Nishiyama, Asbestos ban opens new doors, Sealing Technology, 2007 

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