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수전동 휠체어용 구동장치 개발
Development of Driving System for Power Add-on Drive Wheelchair 원문보기

한국정밀공학회지 = Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering, v.28 no.9, 2011년, pp.1110 - 1118  

홍용표 (재활공학연구소) ,  김용철 (재활공학연구소) ,  김규석 (재활공학연구소) ,  류제청 (재활공학연구소) ,  문무성 (재활공학연구소)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The recent power add-on drive wheelchairs (PADWs) provide greater physical activity and easier transportability and may be an excellent alternative for the typical manual and powered wheelchairs. The driving system consists of a motor and a motor driver is the most important component of the PADW In...


참고문헌 (14)

  1. Ulrich Alber, http://www.alber.de 

  2. Yamaha Motor, http://www.yamaha-motor.jp 

  3. Ryu, J. C., "The Convertible Wheelchair System," J. of KSPE, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 14-18, 2003. 

  4. Choi, Y. C., Rhee, K. M., Choi, H. S. and Seo, Y. T., "Development of the Foldable Manual/Power Hybrid Wheelchair," J. of KSPE, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 172-180, 2006. 

  5. Yang, Y. P., Huang, W. C. and Lai, C. W., "Optimal design of rim motor for electric powered wheelchair," IET- Electric Power Applications, Vol. 1, No. 5, pp. 825-832, 2007. 

  6. Kim, B. H., "Analysis on Climbing Capability of Wheel Drive Robotic Mechanisms," J. of KIISS, Vol. 18, No. 3 pp. 329-334, 2008. 

  7. KOMOTEK, http://www.komotek.com 

  8. Cho, J. H., Oh, H. S., Cho, S. G., Kim, D. K., Lee, S. W., Kim, H. O. and Park, J. W., "Rotor core shape design for high power of Hybrid electric vehicle driving motor," Proc. of KSAE Autumn Conference, Vol. 3, pp. 1653-1657, 2006. 

  9. Cho, J. H., Lee, H. Y., Oh, H. S., Cho, S. G., Yoon, J. S. and Kim, D. K., "Trend of Technology for the driving motor of hybrid electric vehicle," Proc. of KSAE Autumn Conference, Vol. 2, pp. 1449-1452, 2005. 

  10. Ulrich Alber, "Small vehicle, particularly rolling chair with foldable chair frame," Alber, US Patent, No. 5246082, 1993. 

  11. Naitou, S. and Hino, H., "Rotary electric machine and electric wheelchair mounted with rotary electric machine," Yamaha, US Patent, No. 7592733, 2009. 

  12. Hong, E. P., Oh, H. S., Ryu, J. C. and Mun, M. S., "Development of In-wheel motor for powered Wheelchair," Proc. of KSPE Autumn Conference, pp. 649-650, 2010. 

  13. Kim, Y. C., Hong, E. P., Kim, K. S., Ryu, J. C. and Mun, M. S., "Development of In-wheel driving mechanism for Electric Wheelchairs," Proc. of KSPE Autumn Conference, pp. 983-984, 2010. 

  14. Hong, E. P., Hwang, J. H., Ryu, J. C. and Mun, M. S., "Application of linear hall sensor for poweredwheelchair motor," Proc. of KSPE Autumn Conference, pp. 1021-1022, 2010. 

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