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[국내논문] Effects of Carbohydrate and Water Temperature on Nutrient and Energy Digestibility of Juvenile and Grower Rockfish, Sebastes schlegeli 원문보기

Asian-Australasian journal of animal sciences, v.24 no.11, 2011년, pp.1615 - 1622  

Lee, Sang-Min (Department of Marine Bioscience and Technology, Gangneung-Wonju National University) ,  Pham, Minh-Anh (Department of Marine Bioscience and Technology, Gangneung-Wonju National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A factorial ($4{\times}2{\times}2$) experimental design was employed to determine apparent digestibilities of dry matter (DM), protein, lipid, energy and nitrogen-free extract (NFE) of the test diets containing either ${\alpha}$-potato starch (A-PS), ${\beta}$-potato...


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문제 정의

  • For rockfish, Lee (2002) demonstrated that apparent digestibilities of dry matter, energy and protein of different dietary ingredients including white fish meal, anchovy meal, meat meal, feather meal, blood meal, corn gluten meal, cottonseed meal, wheat four, and brewer’s yeast significantly decreased as nitrogen-free extract (NFE) or fiber contents of ingredients increased, but the effects of water temperature on the digestibility was not evaluated. The aim of the present study therefore was to investigate the effects of dietary carbohydrate and water temperature on digestibities of nutrients and energy of juvenile and grower rockfish.
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참고문헌 (37)

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