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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Ischemic monomelic neuropathy and myopathy are rare complications of peripheral arterial occlusive disease. We report a case of ischemic monomelic neuropathy of the right sural, common peroneal and posterior tibial nerves and ischemic myopathy of the right tibialis anterior resulting from the occlus...


AI 본문요약
AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

* AI 자동 식별 결과로 적합하지 않은 문장이 있을 수 있으니, 이용에 유의하시기 바랍니다.

제안 방법

  • An abdominal CT revealed infarction of the spleen and the left kidney. The patient also had a cerebral infarction in the left parietal lobe on a diffiisional brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. Atrial fibrillation was observed upon elec­ trocardiography.
  • The patient received endarterectomy and thrombectomy in the right common femoral artery and femoral-to-femoral bypass graft. However, symptoms and signs of acute limb ischemia did not improve.

대상 데이터

  • An 81-year-old female presented with acute onset of pain, abnormal tingling sensation, and weakness of the right lower extremity. The patient had a history of hypertension and myocardial infarction.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (10)

  1. Wilbourn AJ, Furlan AJ, Hulley W, Rschhaupt W. Ischaemic monomelic neuropathy. Neurology 1983;33:447-451. 

  2. Weinberg DH, Simovic D, Isner J, Ropper AH. Chronic ischemic monomelic neuropathy from critical limb ischemia. Neurology 2001;57:1008-1012. 

  3. Weber F, Ziegler A. Axonal neuropathy in chronic peripheral arterial occlusive disease. Muscle Nerve 2002;26:471-476. 

  4. Korthals JK, Wisniewski HM. Peripheral nerve ischemia. Part 1 Experimental model. J Neurol Sci 1975;24:65-76. 

  5. Lang PM, Schober GM, Rolke R, Wagner S, Hilge R, Offenbacher M, et al. Sensory neuropathy and signs of central sensitization in patients with peripheral artery disease. Pain 2006;124:190-200. 

  6. Hunter CG, Song GW, Nayak NN, Zapotowski D, Guernsey JM. Peripheral nerve conduction abnormalities in lower extremity ischemia. J Surg Res 1988;45:96-103. 

  7. Nukada H, van Rij AM, Packer SG, McMorran PD. Pathology of acute and chronic ischaemic neuropathy in atherosclerotic vascular disease. Brain 1966;119:1449-1460. 

  8. Farinon AM, Marbini A, Gemignani F, Govoni E, Bragaglia MM, Sianesi M, et al. Skeletal muscle and peripheral nerve changes caused by chronic arterial insufficiency-significance and clinical correlations-histological, biochemical and ultrastructural study. Clin Neuropathol 1984;3:240-252. 

  9. Korthals JK, Maki T, Gieron MA. Nerve and muscle vulnerability to ischemia. J Neurol Sci 1985;71:283-290. 

  10. Regensteiner JG, Wolfel EE, Brass EP, Carry MR, Ringel SP, Hargarten ME, et al. Chronic changes in skeletal muscle histology and function in peripheral arterial disease. Circulation 1993;87:413-421. 

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