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전자에너지 손실분광 분석법을 이용한 정량적 철산화수 측정
Quantitative Determination of Fe-oxidation State by Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) 원문보기

자원환경지질 = Economic and environmental geology, v.45 no.2, 2012년, pp.189 - 194  

양기호 (연세대학교 지구시스템과학과) ,  김진욱 (연세대학교 지구시스템과학과)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

생지화학적 반응으로 생성된 광물은 화학적 혹은 구조적 변화를 보여주고 있다. 이러한 광물형성의 메커니즘을 밝히기 위해서는 고해상도를 가진 전자현미경을 이용한 나노스케일 분석이 불가피 하다. 투과전자현미경에 장착되어있는 전자에너지 손실분광 분석법 (EELS)을 이용하여 미생물-광물반응 시 일어나는 현상을 두 가지의 예를 들어서 설명하고자 한다. 1) 철 환원 박테리아에 의한 논트로나이트일라이트 로의 전이; 2) 자철석의 환원으로 인한 능철석의 형성. 특히 철산화/환원의 정량적 분석을 통하여 시간적 변화에 따른 철 산화도 측정은 생지화학적 광물변화에 대한연구를 용이하게 해준다. 따라서 본 논문은 EELS의 분석방법 및 장점을 소개함을 목적으로 한다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The consequences of microbe-mineral interaction often resulted in the chemical, structural modification, or both in the biologically induced mineral. It is inevitable to utilize the high powered resolution of electron microscopy to investigate the mechanism of biogenic mineral transformation at nano...


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가설 설정

  • 5. The EELS spectra of M23-edges of (a) standard hematite and Lunar ilmenite, and (b) nonreduced nontronite and microbially Fe reduced nontronite. The chemical shift of pre-edge structure between hematite and ilmenite is clearly shown while that of microbially bioreduced and nonreduced nontronite displays no discernible chemical shift.
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참고문헌 (17)

  1. Childers, S.E., Ciufo, S. and Lovley, D.R. (2002) Geobacter metallireducens accesses insoluble Fe(III) oxide by chemotaxis. Nature, v.416, p.767-769. 

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  3. Dyar, M. D., Solberg, T. C. and Burns, R. G. (1986) The Effects of Composition, Oxygen Fugacity, and Crystal Structure on the Color of Hibonite. Lunar and Planetary Scienc, v.17, p.194-195. 

  4. Garvie, L.A.J. and Craven, A.J. (1994) Use of electronenergy loss near-edge fine structure in the study of minerals. American Mineralogist, v.79, p.411-425. 

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  7. Kim, J.W. and Dong, H. (2011) Application of electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and energy filtered transmission electron microscopy (EFTEM) to the study of mineral transformation associated with microbial Fereduction of magnetite. Clays & Clay Minerals, v.59, p.176-188. 

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  15. Taft, J. and Krivanek, O.L. (1982) Site-Specific Valence Determination by Electron Energy-Loss Spectrosocopy. Physical Review Letters, v.48, p.560-563. 

  16. Tazaki, K. and Asada, R. (2001) Microbes associated with clay minerals: formation of bio-halloysite. In E.A. Dominguez, G.R. Mas, and F. Cravero, Eds. A clay odyssey, p. 569-576. Elservier, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 

  17. van Aken, P.A., Liebscher, B., and Styrsa, V.J. (1998) Quantitative determination of iron oxidation states in minerals using Fe L-2,L-3-edge electron energy-loss near-edge structure spectroscopy. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, v.25, n.5, p.323-327. 

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