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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In recent practices, a half circular prismatic bar protruding beyond the concave surface of the horn facing the gap has been formed along the centerplane of a rudder to lessen the gap flow between the horn and the movable portion of the rudder system. If a flow through the gap of a rudder is reduced...


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AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

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제안 방법

  • In the initial stage, two-dimensional computations were performed to investigate the influence of cross sectional shapes upon the effectiveness of the blocking bars. Two sections were selected at the horn and pintle of the rudder model for 2-dimensional analyses and Fig.
  • After that, computations were carried out to study the flow characteristics around the three-dimensional rudder model equipped with the pair of blocking bars found to be the most effective among the two-dimensional models tested and the results were compared with the case without any gap flow blocking device. The numerical grid for the three-dimensional horn-type rudder system is shown in Fig.
  • Numerical computations were carried out at the rudder angle of 3°, as in two-dimensional computations, to confirm the capability of the bars in blocking the gap flow.
  • A pair of half-circular cylindrical bars fillet jointed symmetrically to the centerplane was chosen as the best pick for a gap flow blocking device and was attached to a practical three-dimensional horn type rudder to demonstrate its usefulness in blocking the gap flow and the consequential rudder cavitation. The symmetric blocking bars are convenient to install and maintain and can be mounted easily on the rudder of a ship already in operation.

대상 데이터

  • For numerical study of the performance of the devices for blocking gap flow, a scale model of a horn-type rudder of an 8,000 TEU class container ship with a design speed of 25 knots was selected as shown in Fig. 1. The scale ratio of the model to the original rudder was chosen to be 1/10 and the effects of the wake behind a propeller and hull were not considered.


  • 3 has been used for numerical computations, which employs a cell-centered finite-volume method along with a linear reconstruction scheme in order to use computational cells of arbitrary polyhedral shapes. A SIMPLE type segregated algorithm was chosen for the velocity-pressure coupling. The discretization schemes for pressure and momentum were 2nd order accurate and the turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation rate were discretized by QUICK and 1st order upwind scheme to include the complex flow near the gap in the 2D calculations.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (11)

  1. Boo, G.T., Song, I.H. and Shin, S.C., 2004. Numerical Simulation for the Rudder in order to Control the Cavitation Phenomena. Journal of Ship and Ocean Technology, 8(1), pp.42-50. 

  2. Kim, M.C., Lee, U.S. and Byun, T.Y., 2008. Study on Optimization of Anti-erosion Rudder Section of Large Container Ship by Genetic Algorithm. Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea, 45(3), pp.403-410. 

  3. Paik, B.G., Kim, K.Y., Ahn, J.W., Kim, Y.S., Kim, S.P. and Park, J.J., 2008. Experimental study on the gap entrance profile affecting rudder gap cavitation. Ocean Engineering, 35(1), pp.139-149. 

  4. Park, K.R and Lee, Y.G., 2010. A Study on the Rudder Shapes for the Suppression of Cavitation around a Horn-type Rudder. Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea, 47(4), pp.553-564. 

  5. Rhee, S.H., Lee, C.M., Lee, H.B. and Oh, J., 2010. Rudder Gap Cavitation: Fundamental Understanding and Its Suppression Devices. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 31(4), pp.640-650. 

  6. Rhee, S.H. and Kim, H., 2008. A Suggestion of Gap Flow Control Devices for the Suppression of Rudder Cavitation. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 13(4), pp. 356-370. 

  7. Singhal, A.K., Athavale, M.M., Li, H. and Jiang, Y., 2002. Mathematical bases and validation of the full cavitation model. Journal of Fluid Engineering, 124(3), pp.167-264. 

  8. Shen, Y.T., Jiang, C.W. and Remmers, K.D., 1997. A Twisted Rudder for Reduced Cavitation. J. Ship Research, 41(4), pp. 260-272. 

  9. Seo, D.W., Lee, S.H., Oh, J.K. and Kim, H., 2010. A Numerical Study for the Efficacy of Flow Injection on the Diminution of Rudder Cavitation. International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, 2(2) , pp.104-111. 

  10. Seo, D.W., Lee, S.H., Kim. S.H. and Oh, J.K., 2012. Practically applicable devices for blocking the gap flow of a horn rudder to reduce rudder cavitation and their verification through numerical simulations. J Mar Sci Technol, 17(1) , pp.18-29. 

  11. Guo, B., Langrish, T.A.G. and Fletcher, D.F., 2001. Simulation of turbulent swirl flow in an axisymmetric sudden expansion. AIAA journal, 39(1). pp.96-102. 

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