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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Klinefelter syndrome is the most common genetic form of male hypogonadism, but the phenotype becomes evident only after puberty. It is characterized by infertility, small testes, sparse body and facial hair, increased body weight, gynecomastia, increased LH and FSH, and a low level of testosterone. ...


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AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

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대상 데이터

  • The patient generally looked healthy with a normal male appearance. His height was 160 cm, body weight 53 kg, and body mass index 20.7 kg/m2 . There was a normal male pattern of body hair, and he had no gynecomastia.
  • The 33-year-old patient, who had been born to a 25-year-old woman and her 30-year-old husband, was referred to a male infertility clinic due to azoospermia. The patient generally looked healthy with a normal male appearance.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (8)

  1. 1 Paduch DA Bolyakov A Cohen P Travis A Reproduction in men with Klinefelter syndrome: the past, the present, and the future Semin Reprod Med 2009 27 137 148 19247915 

  2. 2 Lanfranco F Kamischke A Zitzmann M Nieschlag E Klinefelter's syndrome Lancet 2004 364 273 283 15262106 

  3. 3 Hockner M Pinggera GM Gunther B Sergi C Fauth C Erdel M Unravelling the parental origin and mechanism of formation of the 47,XY,i(X)(q10) Klinefelter karyotype variant Fertil Steril 2008 90 2009.e13 2009.e17 18687426 

  4. 4 Arps S Koske-Westphal T Meinecke P Meschede D Nieschlag E Harprecht W Isochromosome Xq in Klinefelter syndrome: report of 7 new cases Am J Med Genet 1996 64 580 582 8870925 

  5. 5 Stemkens D Broekmans FJ Kastrop PM Hochstenbach R Smith BG Giltay JC Variant Klinefelter syndrome 47,X,i(X)(q10),Y and normal 46,XY karyotype in monozygotic adult twins Am J Med Genet A 2007 143A 1906 1911 17632769 

  6. 6 Schmid W Naef E Murset G Prader A Cytogenetic findings in 89 cases of Turner's syndrome with abnormal karyotypes Humangenetik 1974 24 93 104 4430497 

  7. 7 Demirhan O Pazarbasi A Tanriverdi N Aridogan A Karahan D The clinical effects of isochromosome Xq in Klinefelter syndrome: report of a case and review of literature Genet Couns 2009 20 235 242 19852429 

  8. 8 Varrela J Effects of X chromosome on size and shape of body: an anthropometric investigation in 47,XXY males Am J Phys Anthropol 1984 64 233 242 6540997 

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