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State-of-the-Art mmWave Antenna Packaging Methodologies 원문보기

電磁波技術 : 韓國電磁波學會誌 = The Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science, v.24 no.2, 2013년, pp.15 - 22  

Hong, Wonbin (Samsung Electronics)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Low-Temperature-cofired ceramics (LTCC) antenna packages have been extensively researched and utilized in recent years due to its excellent electrical properties and ease of implementing dense package integration topologies. This paper introduces some of the key research and development activities u...

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* AI 자동 식별 결과로 적합하지 않은 문장이 있을 수 있으니, 이용에 유의하시기 바랍니다.

문제 정의

  • Despite its extremely low cost and abundance, FR4 has been widely regarded to be problematic for commercial mmWave applications within the antenna/RF community. In this paper, the author presents some of the notable mmWave antenna packaging technologies that have been researched and developed at Samsung Electronics in the past few years. Firstly, a 60 GHz antenna packaging solution devised using LTCC is presented along with its simulated and measured results.

가설 설정

  • 02 mm (ha) LTCC substrate. The spacing between each antennas elements and array configuration are determined based on four criterions: 1. Maximized scan angle in the x and y direction of the horizontal radiation plane. 2.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (10)

  1. W. Hong, A. Goudelev, K. Baek, V. Arkhipenkov, and J. Lee, "24-element antenna-in-package for stationary 60-GHz communication scenarios", IEEE Antennas Wireless Propagat. Lett., vol. 10, pp. 738-741, 2011. 

  2. Y. P. Zhang, M. Sun, D. Liu, and Y. Yu. "Dual grid array antennas in a thin-profile package for flip-chip interconnection to highly integrated 60-GHz radios", IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 59, no. 4, pp. 1191-1199, 2011. 

  3. A. Lamminen, J. Saily, and A. R. Vimpari, "60 -GHz patch antennas and arrays on LTCC with embedded- cavity substrates", IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 56, no. 9, pp. 2865-2874, 2008. 

  4. D. Liu, H. Chen, and B. Floyd, "An LTCC superstrate patch antenna for 60-GHz package applications", in Proc. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Int. Symp. (APSURSI), pp. 1-4, 2010. 

  5. Y. P. Zhang, M. Sun, K. M. Chua, L. L. Wai, and D. X. Liu, "Integration of slot antenna in LTCC package for 60 GHz radios", Electronics Letters, vol. 44, no. 5, pp. 330-331, 2008. 

  6. D. J. Chung, A. L. Amadjikpe, and J. Papapolymerou, "Multilayer integration of low-cost 60-GHz front-end transceiver on organic LCP", IEEE Antennas Wireless Propagat. Lett., vol. 10, pp. 1329- 1332, 2011. 

  7. F. Aryanfar, C. W. Werner, "Exploring liquid cry stal polymer (LCP) substrates for mm-Wave antennas in portable devices", in Proc. IEEE Antenna and Propagation Society Int. Symp. (APSURSI), pp. 1-4, 2010. 

  8. M. Al Henawy, M. Schneide, "Planar antenna arrays at 60 GHz realized on a new thermoplastic polymer substrate", in Proc. EuCAP'10, pp. 1-5, 2010. 

  9. Vishay, http://www.vishay.com. 

  10. Y. Kobayashi, T. Shimizu, "Millimeter wave measurements of temperature dependence of complex permittivity of dielectric plates by a cavity resonance method", in Proc. IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Digest, vol. 4, pp. 1885-1888, 1994. 

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