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KaiFangShu in SanHak JeongEui 원문보기

Journal for history of mathematics = 한국수학사학회지, v.26 no.4, 2013년, pp.213 - 218  

홍성사 (Dept. of Math., Sogang Univ.) ,  홍영희 (Dept. of Math., Sookmyung Women's Univ.) ,  김영욱 (Dept. of Math., Korea Univ.) ,  김창일 (Dept. of Math. Edu., Dankook Univ.)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This paper is a sequel to the paper [8], where we discussed the connection between ShiShou KaiFangFa originated from JiuZhang SuanShu and ZengCheng KaiFangFa. Investigating KaiFangShu in a Chosun mathemtics book, SanHak JeongEui and ShuLi JingYun, we show that its authors, Nam ByungGil and Lee SangH...


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  • Furthermore, they served as officials in the national observatory, GwanSangGam(觀象監) and studied ShuLi JingYun thoroughly. Thus they could notice that algebra of Song - Yuan era is much more superior than western algebra in ShuLi JingYun and that the deductive reasoning in ShuLi JingYun is rather advanced than in Chinese mathematics. Combining advantages from the two mathematics, they compiled SanHak JeongEui.
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참고문헌 (9)

  1. Kim Yong Woon ed. HanGookGwaHakGiSoolSaJaRyoDaeGye, SooHakPyun, YeoGang Publishing Co., 1985 (金容雲編, >, 數學編, 驪江出版社, 1985). 

  2. Guo ShuChun ed. ZhongGuo KeXue JiShu DianJi TongHui, ShuXueJuan, HeNanJiaoYu Pub. Co., 1993 (郭書春 主編, > 數學卷 全五卷, 河南敎育出版社, 1993). 

  3. Wu WenJun ed. ZhongGuo ShuXueShi DaXi, BeiJing Normal Univ. Pub. (吳文俊 主編, >, 北京師范大學出版社, 1999). 

  4. Zhu ShiJie, Luo ShiLin commentary, SiYuan YuJian XiCao, Taiwan ShangWu Printing Co., 1967 (朱世傑 撰, 羅士琳 補艸, >, 臺灣 商務印書館, 1967). 

  5. Hong Sung Sa, Theory of Equations in the history of Chosun Mahtematics, Proceeding Book 2, The HPM Satellite Meeting of ICME-12, 2012, 719-731. 

  6. Hong Sung Sa, Hong Young Hee, Mathematics in Chosun Dynasty and SiYuan Yu- Jian(朝鮮 算學과 >), The Korean Journal for History of Mathematics(한국수학사학회지) 20(1) (2007), 1-16. 

  7. Hong Sung Sa, Hong Young Hee, Lee SangHyuk's ChaGeunBangMongGu and ShuLi JingYun(李尙爀의 >와 >), The Korean Journal for History of Mathematics( 한국수학사학회지) 21(4) (2008), 11-18. 

  8. Hong Sung Sa, Hong Young Hee, Kim Young Wook, Liu Yi and Hong Jung Ha's Kai Fang Shu(劉益과 洪正夏의 開方術), The Korean Journal for History of Mathematics(한국수학사학회지) 24(1) (2011), 1-13. 

  9. Hong Young Hee, Mathematics of Chosun Dynasty and ShuLi JingYun(朝鮮 算學과 >), The Korean Journal for History of Mathematics(한국수학사학회지) 19(2) (2006), 25-46. 

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