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애완토끼에서 토끼매독의 혈청학적 발생율 및 피부병변 치료
Seroprevalence and Treatment for Skin Lesions of Rabbit Syphilis in Pet Rabbits 원문보기

Journal of veterinary clinics = 한국임상수의학회지, v.31 no.1, 2014년, pp.15 - 18  

권선정 (충남대학교 수의과대학) ,  김상훈 (하나로동물병원) ,  박형진 (충남대학교 수의과대학) ,  서경원 (충남대학교 수의과대학) ,  송근호 (충남대학교 수의과대학)


본 연구는 국내 애완용 토끼 총 122두를 대상으로 피부병변을 일으키는 토끼매독(Treponema paraluiscuniculi) 감염율을 혈청학적 방법으로 조사하고 피부병변 부위를 알아보기 위해 실시하였다. 혈청학적 감염율은 21.3%이었으며 수컷보다는 암컷이, 1세 이상보다는 1세 미만에서 유의성 있는 높은 감염율을 나타내었다(각각 p < 0.01). 피부병변은 입술(59.1%), 코(56.5%), 생식기(50.0%), 항문(40.9%) 및 눈꺼풀(18.2%) 순으로 나타났다. 혼합병변은 코와 입술(26.0%), 항문과 생식기(21.8%), 입술, 항문 및 생식기(17.4%) 순으로 나타났다. 모든 피부병변은 Penicillin G(48,000-84,000 IU/kg, 녹십자, 한국)로 1주일 간격으로 3-4회 치료 후 완치 되었다. 피부 병변을 가지고 있거나, 토끼매독의 혈청학적 양성을 나타내는 환자의 경우 즉각적인 치료 및 교배에서 배제가 필요하다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A total of 122 rabbits (40 males, 51 females, 25 castrated males and 6 spayed females; age range: 3 months to 11 years; weight range: 0.8-3.4 kg) were admitted to Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of Chungnam National University from January 2012 to February 2013. The syphilis rapid test was posi...


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문제 정의

  • palladium antigen, the Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL), rapid plasma reagin (RPR), and fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption (FTA-ABS) test (1,3,4,6,7). The aim of this study was to survey the seroprevalence of rabbit syphilis and treat the syphilis-associated skin lesions in pet rabbits in Korea.
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참고문헌 (12)

  1. Bronzan RN, Mwesigwa-Kayongo DC, Narkunas D, Scmid GP, Neilsen GA, Ballard RC, Karuhije P, Ddamba J, Nombekela E, Hoyi G, Dlai P, Makwedini N, Fehler HG, Blandford JM, Ruan C. On-site rapid antenatal syphilis screening with an immunochromatographic strip improves case detection and treatment in rural South African clinics. Sex Transm Dis 2007; 34: 55-60. 

  2. Cunliffe-Beamer TL, Fox RR. Venereal spirochetosis of rabbits: description and diagnosis. Lab Anim Sci 1981; 31: 366-371. 

  3. DiGiacomo RF, Lukehart SA, Talburt CD, Baker-Zander SA, Giddens WE Jr, Condon J, Broun CW. Chronicity of infection with Treponema paraluis-cuniculi in New Zealand white rabbits. Genitourin Med 1985; 61: 156-164. 

  4. DiGiacomo RF, Talburt CD, Lukehart SA, Baker-Zander SA, Condon J. Treponema paraluis-cuniculi infection in a commercial rabbitry: epidemiology and serodiagnosis. Lab Anim Sci 1983; 33: 562-566. 

  5. Harcourt-Brown F. Skin diseases. In: Textbook of rabbit medicine. Oxford: Reed Educational and Professional Publishing Ltd. 2002: 224-248. 

  6. Harkness JE, Wagner JE. Specific disease and conditions. In: The biology and medicine of rabbits and rodents. Philadelphia: Williams and Wilkins. 1995: 315-316. 

  7. Juarez-Figueroa L, Uribe-Salas F, Garcia-Cisneros S, Olamendi-Portugal M, Conde-Glez CJ. Evaluation of a rapid strip and a particle agglutination tests for syphilis diagnosis. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 2007; 59: 123-126. 

  8. Kim SH, Lee SE, Song KH, Kim DH. Dermatitis associated with treponematosis in pet rabbits. J Vet Clin 2009; 26: 625-627. 

  9. Saito K, Hasegawa A. Clinical features of skin lesions in rabbit syphilis: a retrospective study of 63 cases (1999-2003). J Vet Med Sci 2004; 66: 1247-1249. 

  10. Saito K, Tagawa M, Hasegawa A. RPR test for serological survey of rabbit syphilis in companion rabbits. J Vet Med Sci 2003; 65: 797-799. 

  11. Saunders RA, Davies RR. Infectious diseases. In: Notes on rabbit internal medicine. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. 2005: 175-198. 

  12. Paterson S. Skin diseases and treatments of rabbits. In: Skin diseases of exotic pets. Oxford: Blackwell Science Ltd. 2006: 288-311. 

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