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[국내논문] Analysis of Lattice Temperature in Super Junction Trench Gate Power MOSFET as Changing Degree of Trench Etching 원문보기

Journal of semiconductor technology and science, v.14 no.3, 2014년, pp.263 - 267  

Lee, Byeong-Il (Korea University) ,  Geum, Jong Min (Korea University) ,  Jung, Eun Sik (Korea University) ,  Kang, Ey Goo (Korea University) ,  Kim, Yong-Tae (Korea University) ,  Sung, Man Young (Korea University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Super junction trench gate power MOSFETs have been receiving attention in terms of the trade-off between breakdown voltage and on-resistance. The vertical structure of super junction trench gate power MOSFETs allows the on-resistance to be reduced compared with conventional Trench Gate Power MOSFETs...


참고문헌 (10)

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  5. Yu Seup Cho, et al, "Electrical Characteristic Improvement of power MOSFET with Single Floating Island Structure," The Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers(KIEEME), Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 284, 2012 

  6. S. Iwamoto, et al, "Above 500V Class Superjunction MOSFETs fabricated by deep trench etching and epitaxial growth," ISPSD'05. the 17th International Symposium, pp.31-3 

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  8. H. Ninomiya, Y.Miura and K Kobayashi, "Ultralow On-resistance 60-100 V Superjunction UMOSFETs Fabricated by multiple Ion- Implantation," Proc. ISPSD, pp.177-180,2004 

  9. Pravin N. Kondekar, et al, "Static Off state and Conduction State Charge Imbalance in the Superjunction Power MOSFET," TENCON Vol.4(2003),pp.1455-1458 

  10. T.Minato, T.Nitta, A.Uenisi, M.Yanao, M.Harada and S.Hine, "Which is cooler, Trench or Multi- Epitaxy," The Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers(KIEEME), Proc. ISPSD2000(2000), pp73. 

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