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보름달물해파리 폴립의 대량출현 예측을 위한 온도 종속 모델
A Simple Temperature Dependent Model to Predict the Bloom of Aurelia Aurita Polyps 원문보기

KSBB Journal, v.29 no.5, 2014년, pp.336 - 342  

진홍성 (전남대학교 수학과) ,  오춘영 (전남대학교 수학교육과) ,  최일수 (전남대학교 통계학과) ,  황두진 (전남대학교 해양생산관리학과) ,  윤양호 (전남대학교 환경해양학과) ,  한동엽 (전남대학교 해양토목공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Asexual benthic polyp reproduction plays a major role in the jellyfish bloom. Recent studies found that temperature is the most important factor to regulate the budding rate of the polyps. We established a simple dynamic model to count the number of polyps depending on the variation of temperature w...


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문제 정의

  • aurita polyps is getting higher. This paper is helpful to predict the possibility of jellyfish bloom in near future such as next year if we can have temperature dependent reference budding rate from the laboratory data.
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참고문헌 (22)

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  17. Xiping, Ma and J. E. Purcell (2005) Effects of temperature, salinity, and predators on mortality of and colonization by the invasive hydrozoan Moerisia lyonsi. Mar. Biol. 147: 215-224. 

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  22. Yasuda, T. (2007) Giant and Moon Jellyfish: their identity and countermeasure (Japanese), Seizando-shoten Publishing Co. LTD., Shousantou, Tokyo. 

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