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[국내논문] Ixodid Tick Infestation in Cattle and Wild Animals in Maswa and Iringa, Tanzania 원문보기

The Korean journal of parasitology, v.52 no.5, 2014년, pp.565 - 568  

Kwak, You Shine (Department of Environmental Medical Biology and Institute of Tropical Medicine) ,  Kim, Tae Yun (Department of Environmental Medical Biology and Institute of Tropical Medicine) ,  Nam, Sung-Hyun (Department of Environmental Medical Biology and Institute of Tropical Medicine) ,  Lee, In-Yong (Department of Environmental Medical Biology and Institute of Tropical Medicine) ,  Kim, Hyung-Pyo (Department of Environmental Medical Biology and Institute of Tropical Medicine) ,  Mduma, Simon (Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute) ,  Keyyu, Julius (Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute) ,  Fyumagwa, Robert (Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute) ,  Yong, Tai-Soon (Department of Environmental Medical Biology and Institute of Tropical Medicine)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Ticks and tick-borne diseases are important in human and livestock health worldwide. In November 2012, ixodid ticks were collected and identified morphologically from cattle and wild animals in the Maswa district and Iringa urban, Tanzania. Amblyomma gemma, A. lepidum, and A. variegatum were identif...


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문제 정의

  • This study shows that various species of ticks infest the cattle and wild animals of 2 areas in Tanzania. Amblyomma ticks, which are well-known vectors for Ehrlichia and Rickettsia species that cause heartwater, spotted fever, and African tick-bite fever in animals and humans [10], were the most predominant tick species in cattle (Table 1).
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참고문헌 (12)

  1. 1 Rajput ZI Hu SH Chen WJ Arijo AG Xiao CW Importance of ticks and their chemical and immunological control in livestock J Zhejiang Univ Sci B 2006 7 912 921 17048307 

  2. 2 Vesco U Knap N Labruna MB Avšič-Županc T Estrada-Peña A Guglielmone AA Bechara GH Gueye A Lakos A Grindatto A Conte V De Meneghi D An integrated database on ticks and tick-borne zoonoses in the tropics and subtropics with special reference to developing and emerging countries Exp Appl Acarol 2011 54 65 83 21153757 

  3. 3 Uilenberg G International collaborative research: significance of tick-borne hemoparasitic diseases to world animal health Vet Parasitol 1995 57 19 41 7597784 

  4. 4 Livestock, Tanzania Government Portal http://www.tanzania.go.tz/livestock.html 

  5. 5 Kambarage DM East Coast fever as a continued constraint to livestock improvement in Tanzania: a case study Trop Anim Health Prod 1995 27 145 149 7502344 

  6. 6 French NP Tyrer J Hirst WM Smallholder dairy farming in the Chikwaka communal land, Zimbabwe: birth, death and demographic trends Prev Vet Med 2001 48 101 112 11154783 

  7. 7 Lynen G Zeman P Bakuname C Di Giulio G Mtui P Sanka P Jongejan F Cattle ticks of the genera Rhipicephalus and Amblyomma of economic importance in Tanzania: distribution assessed with GIS based on an extensive field survey Exp Appl Acarol 2007 43 303 319 18044004 

  8. 8 Lynen G Zeman P Bakuname C Di Giulio G Mtui P Sanka P Jongejan F Shifts in the distributional ranges of Boophilus ticks in Tanzania: evidence that a parapatric boundary between Boophilus microplus and B. decoloratus follows climate gradients Exp Appl Acarol 2008 44 147 164 18266058 

  9. 9 Walker AR Bouattour A Camicas JL Estrada-Peña A Horak IG Latif AA Pegram RG Preston PM Ticks of domestic animals in Africa: a guide to identification of species Edinburgh, Scotland, UK Bioscience Reports 2013 29 221 

  10. 10 Ganguly S Mukhopadhayay SK Tick-borne ehrlichiosis infection in human beings J Vector Borne Dis 2008 45 273 280 19248653 

  11. 11 Olwoch JM Van Jaarsveld AS Scholtz CH Horak IG Climate change and the genus Rhipicephalus (Acari: Ixodidae) in Africa Onderstepoort J Vet Res 2007 74 45 72 17708153 

  12. 12 Ogden NH Swai E Beauchamp G Karimuribo E Fitzpatrick JL Bryant MJ Kambarage D French NP Risk factors for tick attachment to smallholder dairy cattle in Tanzania Prev Vet Med 2005 67 157 170 15737429 


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