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볼스크류 너트부의 강성 모델링과 불확도 해석
Modeling and Uncertainty Analysis of Ballscrew Nut Stiffness 원문보기

한국정밀공학회지 = Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering, v.32 no.5, 2015년, pp.415 - 422  

민복기 (한양대학교 기계공학과) ,  조뢰 (한양대학교 기계공학과) ,  김경호 (한국기계연구원 초정밀시스템연구실) ,  박천홍 (한국기계연구원 초정밀시스템연구실) ,  정성종 (한양대학교 기계공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Ballscrews are important motion transfer and positioning units of industrial machinery and precision machines. Positioning accuracy of the feed drive system depends upon axial stiffness of ballscrew systems. As the nut stiffness depends upon preload and operating conditions, analytical modeling of t...


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  • 􀁍􀂸, 􀀮􀀯􀂅􀂿 􀀻􀂶 􀁕􀃀􀀌 􀂡􀂺􀃁􀁙 􀃂􀁰 􀁁􀀵􀀃􀁏 􀁂􀁃􀁈􀀔 􀃃􀂍􀂐 􀁺􀃄􀂐􀁎 􀀸􀀍 􀀽􀂛 􀁆􀃅􀀿. 􀁦􀂋 􀃆􀀲􀀮 􀃇􀁟􀁙􀁬 􀀵􀂴􀀮 􀀃􀃈 􀁃􀀴 􀂇􀁙 􀁁􀀵􀀃􀁏􀁂􀁃􀀍 􀀮􀁛􀀽􀁗 􀁃􀂇􀀰 􀂩􀂩 􀀬􀁏􀂦􀁗 􀁚􀃉􀀌􀀱, 􀁁􀁫 􀀍􀁈 􀁔􀀏 􀃊􀃋 􀃌􀀑􀁌􀀠 􀀻􀂶􀀔 􀁁􀀵􀀻􀂶􀁙 􀂅􀂿 􀂏 􀂆􀀌􀁰􀀱 􀃍􀃎􀀏􀀿[1].
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (9)

  1. Kim, M.-S. and Chung, S.-C., "Friction Identification of Ball-Screw Driven Servomechanisms through the Limit Cycle Analysis," Mechatronics, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 131-140, 2006. 

  2. Kim, K. H., Park, C. H., Song, C. K., Lee, H. S., and Kim, S. W., "The Accuracy Design of LM Guide System in Machine Tools," Proc. of KSPE Spring Conference, pp. 692-695, 2000. 

  3. Kim, M.-S. and Chung, S.-C., "Integrated Design Methodology of Ball-Screw Driven Servomechanis- ms with Discrete Controllers. Part I: Modelling and Performance Analysis," Mechatronics, Vol. 16, No. 8, pp. 491-502, 2006. 

  4. Shimoda, H., "Stiffness Analysis of Ball Screws," International Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 168-172, 1999. 

  5. Chung, S. and Park, C., "Analysis of Ballscrew Stiffness owing to Contact Deformation in Leadscrew Systems," Proc. of the ASPE Annual Meeting, pp. 160-163, 2010. 

  6. Harris, T. A. and Kotzalas, M. N., "Rolling Bearing Analysis," John Wiley, pp. 149-166, 2001. 

  7. KIMM, "Development of Platform Technology for Machine Accuracy Simulation II," Research Report, No. UCN011-4644.M, 2014. 

  8. International Organization of Standardization, "Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement," 1995. 

  9. Chung, S. C., Cao, L., KIM, K. H., and Park, C. H., "Precision Modeling and Measurement of Nut Stiffness in Ballscrews," Proc. of the ASPE Annual Meeting, pp. 295-298, 2013. 

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